Assignment: Nursing Theory Perspective

Assignment: Nursing Theory Perspective

Assignment: Nursing Theory Perspective

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This activity is designed to expose you to a variety of nursing theory perspectives.


Research several nursing theories and select one.

Analyze the theory. Your analysis should include:

  • Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview
  • Explanation of the underlying assumptions
  • Summary of how the theorist views the five patterns of knowledge:
  • Empirical knowledge (the science)
  • Esthetic knowledge (the art)
  • Personal knowing (nurse-patient relationship)
  • Ethical knowing (what constitutes good actions for that patient)
  • Emancipatory knowing (sociopolitical considerations)
  • Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses
  • Application strategies for clinical practice
  • Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice


Cite at least three scholarly articles.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 18- to 20-slide presentation
  • 875- to 1,050-word paper

Submit your assignment.


Week 1 Grading Rubric.doc

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