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Assignment: Life Transition and Developmental Issues
Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. I need this completed by 10/14/17 at 12pm.
Application: Applying Theoretical Interventions for Clients Experiencing Life Transition and Developmental Issues
Certain elements of treatment planning for clients experiencing life transition and developmental issues may be easier than others. For instance, it may be obvious that a breadwinner’s job loss is the major concern facing a family. The more difficult part may be crafting clinical and treatment formulations for this issue that explain how it affects the clients, what needs they have, and how you, as a counselor, plan to intervene (Sperry, 2005). As you examine life transition and developmental issues in this week and the next, use your theoretical orientation to conceptualize the scenarios presented and plan theory-based interventions.
To prepare for this Application Assignment, select and view one movie from the list provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Begin to conceptualize the couple’s or family’s problem through your theoretical orientation and identify interventions that you might use. Locate articles in the Walden Library that could be used to justify the interventions you selected.
Note: If you are unable to acquire one of the movies, you may contact your Instructor for alternative arrangements.
Sperry, L. (2005). Case conceptualizations: The missing link between theory and practice. Family Journal, 13(1), 71–76.
The assignment (2–3 pages)
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.
Submit your assignment by Day 7.
Learning Resources
Required Resources
Please note: These films are not available through Walden Library. Contact your instructor if you are unable to obtain a copy independently.
Please select, obtain, and view one of the following movies to use with this week’s Application Assignment: