Assignment: identify a pressing health challenge in a community

Assignment: identify a pressing health challenge in a community

Assignment: identify a pressing health challenge in a community

For this project, develop a proposal for a health education intervention that addresses a health problem identified in a particular community or conducting a research project using primary or secondary data. Project Instructions To complete this Project, select someone (ideally, a health educator, director of community programs, or similar) who works at a nonprofit health agency (for example, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Planned Parenthood, or Boys and Girls Club) and ask him or her either to identify a pressing health problem or to review data to identify a pressing health challenge in a community.

This identified problem or challenge should be directly relevant to the needs of the community and nonprofit health agency. Note that many nonprofit agencies will provide or have accessible via their website a needs assessment report that they previously have conducted. In your Health Education and Promotion Capstone course you will expand upon the proposal you develop in this class, so it is pertinent that you work closely with a health professional from a nonprofit agency to identify the health issue you will address. The Project will be completed in a format consisting of the following components:

? Title Page

? Table of Contents

? Manuscript:

10 -page paper using APA format (not including title page, table of contents, or references). Required sections of the manuscript are listed below.

? References (1 to 2-pages) The manuscript section of your Project must include the following components: Section I: Introduction (1 page) In this section, you will include the following elements:

? A description of the health problem you identified

? A brief outline of the need for the community health intervention you are proposing

? Sources of data that you will use to provide a rationale for the intervention ? 2015 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 3


? A statement of the problem or purpose of your proposed intervention Section II: Annotated Bibliography (2?3 pages) In this section, you will include the following elements:

? An Annotated Bibliography that includes the following:

o Sources: Six to eight recent (less than 3 years old) primary peer-reviewed research articles that support the topic of your paper. Beyond the minimum primary research articles that directly relate to your identified topic, you may add additional, high-quality secondary literature (reviews or meta-analyses). You may use websites if they come from a scholarly and relevant source (e.g., CDC, NCHS). Your sources must follow APA formatting.

o Annotation: For each research article, include a brief description of the study aim, the methods used, and the major findings. For each nonresearch source, provide a concise description of the relevant key points addressed in the source.

Include in the annotation a brief description of how you plan to use each source (e.g., to provide statistics for the problem). Note: This Annotated Bibliography will be used in your Health Education and Promotion Capstone course (HLTH 6800) to develop a full literature review, so please select references wisely.

Section III: Methodology (2?3 pages) In this section, you will include the general goals of your intervention. In your Health Education and Promotion Capstone course (HTLH 6800) project, these goals will be revised as SMART objectives. In the present project, this section will include the following components:

? Your implementation plan, consisting of the following elements: o A description of the data based on a needs assessment o An explanation of the proposed health education program intervention based on the research, suggested data sources, and annotated bibliography o A brief outline of the proposed health education program intervention

? A description of the evaluation methods

? A brief explanation of the ethical issues inherent in the methodology

? A brief explanation of at least three key community stakeholders and why you selected them ? 2015 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Section IV: Conclusion (1 page) This section will consist of the following components:

? An explanation of which of the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Areas of Responsibility your proposed intervention will address and why

? An explanation of how your proposed intervention relates to positive social change Section V: References (1?2 pages)