Assignment: Gay – Straight IAT

Assignment: Gay – Straight IAT

Assignment: Gay – Straight IAT

Below is the interpretation of your IAT performance, followed by questions about what you think it means. The next page explains the task and has more information such as a summary of what most people show on this IAT.

Your Result

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.

The interpretation is described as ‘automatic preference for Straight People’ if you responded faster when Straight people and Good words were classified with the same key than when Gay people and Good words were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude of your result, your automatic preference may be described as ‘slight’, ‘moderate’, ‘strong’, or ‘little to no preference

You have completed the Gay – Straight IAT.

Your Result

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.

Thank you for your participation. Just below is a breakdown of the scores generated by others. Most respondents find it easier to associate Gay people with Bad and Straight people with Good compared to the reverse.

Attitudes vary in the degree to which their expression is socially acceptable. For example, to express liking or favorability toward one’s school or local sports team is socially acceptable just as it seems to be acceptable, in the appropriate circumstances, to express negative attitudes toward a rival school or sports team.


In recent years, it has become less socially acceptable to express negative attitudes toward some groups, for example groups defined by race or by physical disability. In this context, attitudes toward gay people are of special interest because laboratory studies show that the social acceptability of negative attitudes toward gays has changed relatively little in recent years. We also know that anti-gay attitudes are observed on measures of implicit attitude such as the IAT, and that a person’s conscious and implicit attitudes toward gays are more often in agreement with each other than they are for some other socially significant domains.

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