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Assignment: Ethical Standards in Human Services
Now, keep moving in this direction. The synthesis and flow of your posts need to be improved upon. All references need to be clearly integrated into your personal perspective. I need to see you use the references as an integrative piece of your posts instead of a standalone piece. We are still working on that analytical piece as discussed in previous dialogue work.
I still need to see more of the application piece I continue to reflect about. Your reference use should be more about how you are analytically reflecting about the research. You are continuing to improve in this area. I encourage you to just continue to work on the application piece of how you are expanding on the authoritative voice used in your posts or your classmates posts.
Topic: Search the web for ethical standards in the Human Services field, then find at least 5 Scriptures describing how we should treat others and care for them. Compare and contrast the Human Service ethics standards with biblical standards. How are they alike? How are they different? Reply to 3 of your classmates’ threads from the last module/week. Each reply must be at least 150 words and meaningfully expand the discussion. I have 4 below, reply to 3 of the 4. With references!! Thank you.
Ethical standards are used as guidelines between the social worker and client. The guidelines are use to help the client get the most out of their meeting with their social worker. With looking at ethical standards, God is at the center point of putting these in places because He wants to protect His children. As we go deeper into ethical standards we need to look at them the way God wants us to look at them through scripture. As we look at the scripture we need to see how different or similar the standards are with the scriptures.
The first ethical standard that needs to be discussed is confidentiality. Proverbs 26:20-22 states that as a social worker we need to keep things clients tell us to ourselves to keep from having altercations. As a social worker keeping confidentiality will help your client open up to you more when things that occur in their life are terrible. Having the trust will help the fire from burning between you and your client. As in the bible, we do not want to gossip, and this plays a role in being a social worker because no social worker should tell another social worker anything about a client, unless the client
allows the information to be said to other social workers, otherwise harm will come to the client or a person a client knows. As a social worker, having an understanding of your client is knowing when to be quiet and not gossip about their client (Proverbs 11:12-13). One thing that is different with confidentiality based on the scriptures is that gossip does happen within the Christian community, and as a social worker it cannot, because of the rules set in the ethics of confidentiality (Psalms 41:6).
The ethical standard that needs to be discussed is to provide services to the client having the right boundaries. While not following the boundaries within the scope of practice for social work is not counting the cost of what could happen to the social worker going outside of their boundaries (Luke 14:28). As a social worker you need to look at what you can offer and not be foolish and go outside your scope of practice (Luke 12:28-32). One difference is God can go outside His scope of practice to do anything, because he is perfect, and as a social worker you cannot go outside your scope because you can lose your job, due to because of the boundaries set in place to protect clients within the standards of ethics (Psalm 18:30).
The ethical standard that needs to be discussed is to treat everyone with worth no matter what culture they have come from or where they are in life. Everyone has a purpose and a reason to be here because they are made in Gods image (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). There are no small parts; everyone needs be seen as one in humanity. As social workers we need to look at our clients through God’s eye instead of looking at our out clients through the eyes of a man, because everyone in this world has a purpose (1 Corinthians 12:15-26). The difference between scripture and the standards of ethics is that people will look through the eye of man to judge people that come from different cultures.
The ethical standard that needs to be discussed is that the social worker and client should not have any sexual contact. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4), God wants you to away from having sex unless it with your married partner. As a social worker you should not lust about your client, or want to have any sexual relations with that client (1 Thessalonians 4:5). That means you should never take advantage of your client in any possible way (1 Thessalonians 4:6). A social worker who has a relationship with Jesus and does not want to stay clean is rejecting God “who has given us His Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 4:7-8). There is not real difference between scripture and ethical standards when it comes to sexual contact.
The ethical standard that needs to be discussed with a client is when it is time to terminate the services for the client. It states that in the presence of the social worker, the client is doing the work. When not in the presence of the social worker they are still working on their goals outside of the office in their daily life (Philippians 2:12-13). Then the social worker states, you have come as far as you can and you are ready to be done with working with me. You are ready to keep continuing with God at your side. The difference in the standards of ethics with termination is that when the client is done working with the social worker, God will keep guiding them in the right direction for their future.
Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. (2014). Retrieved
September 18, 2014, from, http://www.socialworkers. org/pubs/code/code.
The Life Application Study Bible is an edition of the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation. (2nd ed.). (2004). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.