Assignment: End of Life Planning Essay

Assignment: End of Life Planning Essay

Assignment: End of Life Planning Essay Instructions

Your Reading & Study folder for Module/Week 8 includes a presentation and website link to information produced by The Conversation Project. After reviewing both resources, reading pp. 768–778 in the textbook, and completing the Biblical Principles Study Guide, write a brief (4 paragraphs) essay using this outline:

I. The Importance of Planning

Why is end of life planning important? What benefits does it to provide to one who is dying and to the survivors? Discuss why end of life planning could be important to you at this present time.

II. Advance Directives and Worldview

What aspects of end of life care are impacted by your worldview? Does the Bible give any direction related to attitude or actions at the end of life? Are there moral or ethical concerns that should be discussed? If you need help getting started, these verses may be helpful:

· Genesis 1:26–27

· Deuteronomy 32:39

· 1 Samuel 2:6

· Romans 13:10

· Ecclesiastes 3:1–3

· Romans 14:7–9

· John 11:25–26

· 2 Corinthians 5:1–9

III. Sample Plan

Using the questions below, create your own plan or a plan for a hypothetical person. Tell how you, or a hypothetical person, might respond to the 5 important questions related to end of life planning:

1. Assuming that you do not suffer a catastrophic accident, what do you want your last days to look like?

2. Who do you want to make decisions for you when you cannot make them for yourself?

3. What type of medical care do you want at the end of your life (life support such as a respirator, artificial feeding, or hydration, etc.)?

4. How comfortable (pain-free) do you want to be?

5. What message do you want to leave for your loved ones?

IV. Final Thoughts

How has this assignment changed your thoughts related to end of life planning? Do you intend to formalize your plans by using one of the suggested resources?


Formatting Requirements:

1. Compose your essay in Microsoft Word and submit it as an attachment. Include your name in the document name. Example: Cashion_EndofLifePlanningEssay.docx

2. Use these components of current APA formatting:

· Use 1” margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.

· Double-space all lines. Do not include extra space between paragraphs.

· Citations and references are required ONLY if you use information that is specific to the resources provided or from the textbook. If information would be considered common knowledge, it is not necessary to provide a citation or corresponding reference.

· No title page or abstract are required.

3. Your essay must contain 400–600 words.

4. Your essay must be free from errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

5. Direct quotes must not be included; however, if you choose to include direct quotes, be sure they are properly cited and that you have provided a properly formatted corresponding reference. Be aware that points will be deducted if you choose to include any direct quotes.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

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