Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions for Target Populations

Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions for Target Populations

Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions for Target Populations

Creating educational interventions to help improve the overall health of a target population is an essential skill for public health and health education professionals. Intervening in peoples’ lives to positively impact their health and well-being can also be rewarding. However, it is essential that the creation of educational interventions is done using the appropriate tools and skills and that you carefully select and apply theories and models to attain the best results possible.

For this Assignment, you will use the Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior to design an educational plan to counter a trend within your selected topic related to your assigned target.

To prepare for this Assignment: Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions for Target Populations:

  • Download the Topics document found in your Learning Resources and select a topic from the list.
  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Your Instructor will assign you a target population to focus on for this Assignment.

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper (not including title page and references) that includes the following:

Using the Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior, design an educational plan to counter a trend within your assigned target population related to your selected topic.

Within your educational plan, be sure to respond to the following questions:

  • What are the beliefs (list) of the target regarding the topic?
  • What are the evaluations of those beliefs (identify list as important/not important)?
  • What are the beliefs of the target population (subjective norm)?
  • Are the targets capable and confident to complete behavior (Perceived Behavioral Control)?

Rubric Detail Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

  Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Very Good Outstanding
Content (40 points)
•Discuss target beliefs
•Interpret evaluations and their importance
•Discuss subjective norm
•Analyze perceived behavioral control
•Summary of application of theory of reasoned action/ planned behavior
0 (0%) – 31 (31%)

Lacking accuracy, incomplete, or does not address some required components.

32 (32%) – 35 (35%)

Adequately addresses the required components with accurate content.

36 (36%) – 37 (37%)

All required components of the assignment are complete, accurate, and constructed into a supported and credible narrative.

38 (38%) – 40 (40%)

Thoroughly addresses all required components with an exceptionally insightful, robust, fully-developed content constructed into a scholarly narrative.

Critical Thinking (30 points)

Critical thinking, reflection, and synthesis of credible and appropriate source material.

0 (0%) – 23 (23%)

Content is not supported with appropriate resources or lacks connection to examples or does not show intellectual application of content.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

Content is supported with some appropriate resources and examples. Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions

27 (27%) – 28 (28%)

Content is well developed and synthesized and clearly connected to appropriate resources and examples

29 (29%) – 30 (30%)

An insightful narrative which critically evaluates and applies content. Connects concepts throughout assignment with multiple appropriate resources and examples.

Written Expression and Formatting (30 points)

The extent to which assignment contains appropriate, clear, and correct style, format, writing, and expression Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions

0 (0%) – 23 (23%)

Issues with originality, missing citations or references, lacking clarity or organization, or has significant grammatical, writing, or APA formatting errors.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

Adequately meets expectations for written expression with minimal reliance upon quoting and few writing or APA formatting errors.

27 (27%) – 28 (28%)

Written expression is original, well organized, clear, concise, and generally free of writing or APA format errors. Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions

29 (29%) – 30 (30%)

Written expression is exceptional throughout. Writing is highly original, scholarly, clear, well organized and free of writing errors. Format fully meets all APA expectations.

Total Points: 100

Name: PUBH_6038_Module3_Assignment_Rubric

PUBH 6038/HLTH 8038

Assignment Topics

Alcohol abuse/alcoholism (Use this group as your target population. Remember it is a public health course)


Bullying and/or gang violence

Cancer Screening (pick one common cancer screening: breast cancer-mammography, colon cancer-colonoscopy, prostate cancer-examination/PSA, or cervical cancer-PAP smear

Climate change

Coronary heart disease Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions



Drug use/abuse


Family planning

Hypertension/stroke prevention


Infant or maternal mortality



Oral health

Physical activity or sedentary lifestyles

Prescription drug overdose

Skin cancer detection and prevention


Tobacco cessation-smoking

Violence prevention/domestic violence

NB: Pick any topic from this list and use a specific target population e.g you can pick Coronary Heart Disease with your target population being Africa-Americans. Assignment Applying Theories and Models to Educational Interventions