Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

PUBH 6038/HLTH 8038

Assignment Topics

Alcohol abuse/alcoholism


Bullying and/or gang violence

Cancer Screening (pick one common cancer screening: breast cancer-mammography, colon cancer-colonoscopy, prostate cancer-examination/PSA, or cervical cancer-PAP smear

Climate change

Coronary heart disease



Drug use/abuse


Family planning

Hypertension/stroke prevention


Infant or maternal mortality



Oral health

Physical activity or sedentary lifestyles Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Prescription drug overdose

Skin cancer detection and prevention


Tobacco cessation-smoking

Violence prevention/domestic violence

Assignment: Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

From an ecological perspective, the Precede-Proceed model has been used to plan effective behavior change programs for over three decades. It was originally developed as the Precede model, with the Proceed part concentrating on intervention and evaluation added later.

The PRECEDE acronym stands for Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational and/or Environmental Diagnosis and Evaluation. While the PROCEED acronym represents Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development. Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

The following phases make up the Precede part:

  • Phase 1: Social Assessment
  • Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Assessment
  • Phase 3: Educational and Ecological Assessment
  • Phase 4: Administrative and Policy Assessment and Intervention Alignment

The Proceed part of the model consists of:

  • Phase 5: Implementation
  • Phase 6: Process evaluation
  • Phase 7: Impact evaluation
  • Phase 8: Outcome evaluation

The focus of the model is on the outcome rather than the activities. Using the eight phases, you will be asked to apply the Precede-Proceed model to a specific health topic and target population.

Planning, implementing, and evaluating a successful intervention, with its many “moving parts,” requires planners to have a “framework” by which to track the critical aspects of the intervention. Intervention Mapping provides for a sort of scope and sequence timeline, with key decision points, so that decisions can be made efficiently and effectively at these key points of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Intervention Mapping allows planners to use theory constructs to assess needs and strengths of a population, and design initiatives to address (needs) or utilize (strengths) these in a systematic order. As with any event, the process requires specific planning, and in public health education, Intervention Mapping can be a meaningful tool.

Both the Precede-Proceed model and Intervention Mapping will assist you in utilizing theory and effectively designing health interventions. Using theory and planning models as a basis for designing health interventions will result in more successful outcomes for target populations.

While the target population will be assigned by your Instructor, you will be asked to select a topic from the Topics document found in this module’s Resources.

To prepare:

  • Download the Topics document from your Learning Resources and select one topic to focus on.
  • Review the Module 5 Resources.

Submit a 6- to 7-page paper (not including title page or references) that includes the following:

Title page Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Section headers addressing each of the following required sections for the narrative:

  1. In your own words, provide a brief description of the Precede-Proceed model.
  2. Using the Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Assessment, expand upon the factors you selected for this phase. Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model
    1. Discuss/compare the behavior/lifestyle and environmental factors for your topic and target group.
    2. Explain why these were selected and deemed important to the health topic and target group.
  3. Using the Phase 3-Educational and Ecological assessment, discuss the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors for your topic and target group.
    1. Explain why these were selected and deemed important to the health topic and target group.
  4. Using the Phase 4-Adminstration and policy assessment and Intervention Alignment, discuss the health education and policy regulation factors for your topic and target group.
    1. Explain why these were selected and deemed important to the health topic and target group.
  5. Briefly discuss how Phases 5–8 of the Proceed part of the model apply to your topic and target group.
  6. Summarize the Precede-Proceed Model and its application to your selected target group and assigned health topic. Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model

Include a reference list using APA format.


  • Cite the sources within your text where you refer to them, using APA format.
  • Be sure to include peer-reviewed journal articles that establish the evidence-based research for your responses.
  • Be sure to present your narrative in paragraph form and avoid simply listing or bulleting the information.
  • Your final document should include title page, the narrative and an APA reference list presented in the format as described in the instructions.

Assignment Applying the Precede-Proceed Model