Assignment: Alternative and integrative interventions with patients

Assignment: Alternative and integrative interventions with patients

Assignment: Alternative and integrative interventions with patients

Please respond to at least two of the following items. Remember to include an APA formatted in-text citation and corresponding reference from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.).

Do you recommend journaling to your patients? Why, or why not?

Why do you think many people are so open to complementary, alternative, or integrative approaches to health?

If you have discussed any complementary, alternative, or integrative interventions with patients within the last month, please share the highlights of your discussion.

Do you feel it is part of your professional responsibility to educate yourself on the major complementary, alternative, or integrative modalities? Why, or why not?

Post your responses to at least two of the items above, then engage at least two of your online colleagues in a discussion about his/her responses by responding to their posts. Please note that your postings must be “substantive” which means that they are to be made AFTER you have read the assigned material. Please note that your Discussion Board assignments are worth a significant part of your course grade, therefore, you are expected to put thought and effort into these entries.

Original post is due by Wednesday at 2359 and the two responses to peers are due by Saturday of Module 1 at 2359.


An APA formatted in-text citation and corresponding reference from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.) is required in your original discussion posting. Blogs, magazines, and newspapers are NOT considered scholarly, professional sources.