Assignment: Alcohol dependence statistics

Assignment: Alcohol dependence statistics

Assignment: Alcohol dependence statistics



Text: Abnormal Psychology

First Edition

ISBN-10: 0132216124


Deborah C. Beidel, Cynthia M. Bulik, and Melinda A. Stanley

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Of all disorders reported in the U.S., the most common are alcohol dependence and _

a. anxiety disorders

b. major depression

c. schizophrenic disorders

d. persona I ity disorder

2. When using the DSM model to determine abnormality of a behavior, which of the following statements is TR U E?

a. The person’s behavior is assessed both categorically and dimensionally.

b. The person either falls into a category or doesn’t fall into a category.

c. The person’s level of dysfunction is not considered.

d. The behavior is not considered within a cultural context.

3. The first physician to adopt a form of occupational therapy for patients was

a. Pinel.

b. Paracelsus.

c. Dix.

d. Hippocrates.

4. Emil Kraepelin is best known for his contributions to the study of schizophrenia. He introduced two new diagnostic categories of disordered behavior, dementia praecox and manic-depressive

insanity, based on symptom differentiation, , and _

a. etiology; prognosis

b. etiology; physiology

c. prognosis; symptomology

d. prognosis; physiology

5. In the classical conditioning paradigm demonstrated by Pavlov through his study of the physiology of dog digestion, what was the UCS?

a. Bell

b. Food Powder

c. Pavlov

d. Salivating



6. Raul is a college freshman who looks forward to weekend parties at college. He especially likes to play “beer pong” and is known on campus as a champion player. After a recent party, Raul received a DUI citation. Raul’s parents have urged him to seek treatment for his “alcohol problem,” but Raul refuses. He does not believe he has a drinking problem. In Freud’s theory, which of the following defense mechanisms is Raul likely using?

a. Intellectual ization

b. Rationalization

c. Denial

d. Repression

7. Tin Aaron Beck’s model of depression, the cognitive triad consists of

a. past, present, and future expectations.

b. three types of negative thoughts.

c. Freud’s id, ego and superego.

d. three levels of the mind.

8. Ataque de nervios is a culture-bound syndrome found among Latinos. The notion that social forces playa role with respect to when this type of disorder occurs is supported by the fact that ataque symptoms

a. differ depending on the culture in which they are expressed.

b. are found in all Latino adolescents at some point in time.

c. are seen only in those from large families.

d. frequently begin after some form of social disruption.

9. Latino youths born in the U.S. are as likely to attempt suicide as foreign-born Latino


a. three times

b. five times

c. four times

d. twice

10. The diathesis-stress model of abnormal behavior assumes that

a. a person who has a genetic predisposition for a disorder will exhibit the disorder at some point in time.

b. stress causes physiological changes that lead to disruptions in environmental supports.

c. a “diathesis” from the environment interacts with biological influences to produce disordered behavior.

d. biology and environmental factors interact to determine the likelihood that a person will exhibit abnormal behavior.

11. Mario has just returned from his third deployment to Iraq. For several months after returning, he is unable to sleep and has difficulty dealing with flashbacks of mortar fire over the compound in which he worked. Using a biopsychosocial model, we might explain his problems as deriving from

a. the stress of deployment alone.

b. a diathesis and the stress of deployment.

c. a lack of social support.

d. a failure in coping alone.

12. The biological, psychological, sociocultural, and biopsychosocial models all assume that

a. the cause of a dysfunctional behavior may be identified through research.

b. there is an underlying physiological cause to abnormal behavior

c. environmental events trigger physiological changes.

d. no single factor may be a determinant in manifesting abnormal behavior.

13.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Modern psychologists believe that psychopathology is physiologically based.

b. Abnormal behavior may be best understood using a single theoretical framework.

c. Understanding abnormal behaviors requires an integration of models.

d. Sociocultural factors are the best explanation for disordered behavior.

14. The human genome contains approximately genes.

‘” J; ()()() to 1 0,000

b. 20,000 to 25,000

c. 50,000 to 75,000

d. 50,000 to 100,000

15. Which of the following IS NOT a method of molecular genetics used to drill down to the molecular level in explaining behavior?

a. Genomewide Linkage Analysis

b. Candidate Gene Association Study

c. Genomewide Association

d. Candidate Genomewide Analysis



16. Which of the following IS NOT a benefit of the case study method?

a. It allows for the examination of rare disorders or conditions.

b. It may lead to the generation of new hypotheses to be tested in group studies.

c. It allows for the evaluation of large groups with rare disorders.

d. Case studies may highlight important clinical issues that may not surface in group studies.

17. A research study produces a negative correlation between hours of sleep and test performance.

Given this, what do we know about the relationship of the variables?

a. As hours of sleep decrease, test performance increases.

b. As hours of sleep increase, test performance increases.

c. There is no relationship between the variables.

d. There is a significant relationship between the variables.

18. In correlational research, it is possible that a third variable influences the relationship of the other two variables. This type of variable is labeled a(n)

a. independent variable.

b. dependent variable.

c. moderator variable.

d. indirect variable.

Assignment: Alcohol dependence statistics