Assignment 3: Problem Solving

Assignment 3: Problem Solving

Assignment 3: Problem Solving

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. As Voltaire said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”

Choose one (1) of the problem scenarios as a topic choice for your paper. (Note: Your professor must approve your topic choice before you begin work on the assignment.)

Scenario 1: As the Human Resource Department (HRD) employee, you are responsible for employee training at a company in the US. Recently, following a company-wide training session, it became obvious that a number of employees did not understand much of the training. You realize that the employees are struggling with company correspondence and other documents written in jargon or obscure language. This makes it especially difficult for non-native speakers of English to comply with written instructions and company policy, and you suspect that many documents are written at a level that even native speakers do not fully comprehend. This scenario may require services never offered before, and the company’s not sure where to begin.   You talk with the manager of the non-English speaking employees and he gets very angry and tells you that anyone living in the US should know English or go back where they came from.  What should the HRD employee do at this point?

Scenario 2: You have been working as an entry-level IT Specialist for a company for 7 years now and you’re starting to get weary in that position.  You have applied for multiple other jobs in the company over your tenure there; however, you aren’t being called in for an interview.  It should be noted that your fellow employees are not being called in for an interview, either.  You see a position coming up that is only available to those who are currently working at the company and not anyone outside.  Should you apply?


Scenario 3: You are a sales representative for a company that encourages staff to log time in the field and away from the office. You are expected to begin and end your day at the office. You notice that each day when you arrive and return another co-worker is already there, and you wonder whether this person spends most of his / her time at the office. At your weekly sales meeting, you are informed of your co-workers’ outstanding sales performance. You suspect that this co-worker is spending more time flattering the boss instead of working leads in the field, and as a result is getting the best client referrals. Your own sales numbers have steadily decreased since this other sales representative was hired.

Scenario 4: You have a major exam that is due by Sunday night at 11:59pm and it covers the entire first-half of the term.  You are scheduled for 55 hours that week at work and, because it’s a busy time of the year, your employer has insisted no one was allowed to call-in without a doctor’s excuse.  Penalty for this would be a 2-week suspension without pay.  Your grades have been poor all term long and if you fail this test, you will fail out of the school.  To add to your week, your best friend is having a monster party on Saturday night that you’ve been dying to go to for months.

Scenario 5: Professor’s Choice – problem scenario presented by your professor.

Scenario 6: Student’s Choice – Problem scenario presented by you.

Review the six-step problem solving process outlined in the webtext, based on the article “The Problem Solving Process” located at

· Step One: Define the problem

· Step Two: Analyze the problem

· Step Three: Generate options

· Step Four: Evaluate options

· Step Five: Make your decision

· Step Six: Implement and reflect

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1. Define the problem in the scenario that you have chosen.

2. Analyze the problem in the scenario.

3. Generate options for solving the problem in the scenario.

4. Evaluate the options for solving the problem.

5. Decide on the best option for solving the problem.

6. Explain how you will implement the decision made and reflect on whether this option was the most effective.

The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:

· Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.