Assignment 2: Therapy Tapes

Assignment 2: Therapy Tapes

Assignment 2: Therapy Tapes


Last week you prepared a theoretical discussion of one of the following categories of leadership characteristics: Personal characteristics, group leadership skills, diversity competence, and shaping group norms.
This week, your task is to review the group therapy video and evaluate the   performance of one of the group leaders in the particular leadership   characteristic you researched last week. Be sure to note both positive and   negative points and give examples to illustrate your evaluation.

00:00 [sil.]

00:10 GROUP MICROSKILLS: ENCOUNTERING DIVERSITY LYNN BANEZ, Ph.D., N.C.C., L.P.C. With Allen E. Ivey, Ed. D., ABPP and Mary Bradford Ivey, Ed. D., N.C.C., L.M.H.C. INTRODUCTION Allen E. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey

00:30 Allen E. Ivey Welcome, I’m Allen Ivey and this is basic groups skills. You’ve just seen what I think is a wonderful painting by Steve, ah– Stephen Juba Newchurch, Stephen Juba Newchurch. I say it twice because he does such wonderful work. He is an aboriginal artist on the Murray River in South Australia. I think this photo, this– of this painting illustrates what this tape is about, a person exists in a community and a network. The circles of family and community are what make us as individuals. In this tape we have the honor to present Lynn Banez, a superb group leader. We’ve looked for around the country for the best people we can find, we’ve selected Lynn as the ideal person to lead this particular group focusing on Microskills and its relationship to issues of diversity. So welcome to the tape. Now I’d like Mary Ivey to share with you a little bit about what this tape is about.

01:25 Mary Bradford Ivey The Microskills approach is the most researched method of skills training. And we’re delighted to share how the single skills approach can be helpful in understanding the specifics of group leaderships. You will see an entire theme-centered group session in this videotape from beginning to the end. We’ll be editing the session’s videotape for clarity and instructional purposes. Some of the skills we’re going to be emphasizing are attending and observing, the basic listening sequence, reframing, and confrontation. Regardless of the group work theory that you adopt, you’ll find yourself using these skills. Finally I’d like to mention the theoretical narrative framework used by Microskills. There is a story we’d like to bring out what the client has to say. The story brings out the issues, their concerns, and their problems.

The positive assets, we wanna find out what the client have to share that could be used as a strength to work on their issues. And then we’d like to restory, review the story and find a more positive way to consider how the group member present issues. Action, can we contract with group members so that they can use their stories in daily life. So now let’s start the video and we look forward to your feedback. We’re delighted to present Lynn Banez to you. We know she’s one of the most outstanding group leaders in the nation.



02:55 Lynn Banez Okay, I wanna thank everybody, uhm, for coming today and participating in our group that talks about, ah, how diversity impacts our lives. So that will be the theme of our group. Before we do that though, I want to, uhm, let everybody know, like we wanna set some ground rules.

03:10 Creating a Safe Environment

Lynn Banez Uhm, first confidentiality and what’s, what is said in your group will, will stay in your group. Uhm, that we wanna respect one another, try to speak from personal experience. Uhm, try to speak about your own lives and not to speak about somebody else who is not here. I also wanna take the moment acknowledge, uhm, Julius who has taken time this morning to join our group but he has a previous engagement so he’ll be leaving, uhm, when we, when we break in a little bit. Uhm, but I, I wanted to thank you for being here and really thank all of you for being here, uhm, today. Uhm, all of you have already signed your informed consents that has gone over what you can expect today, ah, the topic that we’re going to cover, how that might impact you.

04:00 Informed Consent

Lynn Banez And that if anything arises, ah, that may become of an issue or of a concern, that I as your leader and also as a professor, yeah, an, you know, I’m involved in your studies and in your growth as a, as a counselor, ah, I’m required to discuss it with you, to– require to discuss it with other faculty. And then to meet with you to see if there’s any kind of remediation that needs to take place. Uhm, I don’t say that to, to scare you but I say that to inform you. Also if anything that’s brought up today that happens to talk about, you know, uhm, have harm to oneself or harm to someone else, ah, again I don’t expect that today but if that should come up I am required by, ah, our ethical standards and our guidelines for best practice to report those kinds of things. Certainly I would never do that without including you in the process. Okay? Do you have any other questions and are there any other ground rules that we need to set up before we get going?

Length: 5-7 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and   concepts and provide new thoughts and insights   relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Haley-Banez, L., Ivey, A., Ivey, M., & Oldershaw, B. (2002). Group  Microskills: Encountering Diversity. Microtraining Associates.