Assignment 2: RA 2: Policy Proposal Paper

Assignment 2: RA 2: Policy Proposal Paper

Assignment 2: RA 2: Policy Proposal Paper

For this assignment, you will be building on the problem definition developed in Module 4 and develop a policy proposal for advocacy and adoption.


Create a 10- to 12-page policy proposal, utilizing a minimum of five scholarly sources in your research. Address the following in your proposal:

State the social problem you wish to solve.
Analyze the policy development cycle and the influence of stakeholders throughout the process.
Discuss how the policy development cycle and the influence of stakeholders will be used to effect social change for your identified problem.
As a human services professional, examine your role in policy advocacy and coalition building for improving human services.
Describe all of the resources available to support your policy and how you would organize them.
Identify the steps you will take, including the use of social media, to build a coalition around the policy, highlighting your role in the process.
Determine a list of the different constituents you would engage to advance your policy goal.
Define the specific policy action to be pursued.
Develop the criteria for measuring the effectiveness of the policy for society if adopted.

Running Head: Evaluating a Policy Proposal for Adoption 2

Evaluating a Policy Proposal for Adoption

Katie Lopez

Argosy University


Evaluating a Policy Proposal for Adoption

Social media policy

The social media policy draft seeks to address the problem of social media use in schools. The policy aims at establishing rules and regulation for the usage of social media by both the employees and the students. This policy addresses the issues of social media privacy when using school district’s CIS systems. According to this policy any information created, send, received, stored or displayed through the system can be is not guaranteed privacy. The information can be viewed by a third party’s system. However, the policy does not include visitors in the restrictions rules. According to this policy students and employees can use their personal data bundle to surf and access social media such as Facebook and Twitter. (Bertot, Jaeger & Hansen, 2012).

The possible stakeholders in this policy are; the students, the schools employees, Kanawha County’s public school officers and the schools administration. The students and school employees are the people directly targeted by the policy and are directly affected. The policy impacts on the privacy of their social media use. The school administration is responsible to ensure that the policy is implemented and followed in accordance with directions given by the Kanawha County’s public school officers. The Kanawha County’s public school officials are responsible for formulation of the policy.

The proposed policy poses a number of risks to the stakeholders involved. One of the risks posed by the policy is access of personal, private and confidential information by unauthorized person. Users of social medial exchange important and confidential information via the social medial. Allowing a third party’s system to have access to this information exposes the user to a great risk of leak of information.

Another risk posed by this policy is infringement of people right to free speech. Restricting users of social media will be like infringing their right to free speech Most of people use social medial to express their opinion on various issues affecting them. Therefore, restricting the usage of the social medial will deny them of this fundamental right. (Williams, Feild, & James, 2011).

The above policy can be modified in different ways to before its adoption. One possible modification for the policy is to set time under which the policy should apply. The policy should not be in force all throughout the day. The students and employees should be given specific time frames under which they can enjoy using the social media without fear of being monitored. (Fowler, 2009)

Another possible modification for this policy is to restrict specific social media which may cause harm but not all the social media. The policy should specify which social medial platforms will be monitored when used within the school premises. In this, way the policy can succeed in discouraging users from accessing a particular social medial when in school. (Fowler, 2009)

The goals of the policy makers were to control and regulate the usage of social media in school environment. The policy makers wanted to prevent the use of social media to transfer and spread unwanted materials and information which could either harm others or cause defamatory.