Ass. 2: Discussion Question: Role Of The Counselor In The Comminity.

Assignment 2: Discussion Question: Role of the Counselor in the Community

By the due date assigned, respond to the discussion question assigned by the instructor. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions and continue the discussion through the end of the module.

Nine-year-old Wanda’s teacher notices that for the past few weeks, Wanda has not been talking to her friends and is always sitting alone in a corner. After talking to Wanda’s friends, the teacher finds out that Wanda’s sixteen-year-old brother was killed in a gang fight two months ago and her parents have since separated. The teacher talks to her friend Daphne, a counselor, to see if there is anything she can do about Wanda. She wants to know if there is any way in which children and families affected by exposure to violence can be assisted with emotional impact of these events. The teacher also asks Daphne, in the role of a counselor, to call Wanda’s parents to see if they would be willing to talk with her about the death of their son, their separation, and Wanda’s behavior at school. Daphne is not employed or affiliated with the school.

What would be Daphne’s role, as a counselor, in helping the teacher?

What do you see as important roles of a counselor working in a community?

What are the ethical responsibilities that counselors and human services professionals hold toward the community? When answering this question identify the ethical code number and definition, using your own words, of the ethical responsibilities of these professionals.

Briefly speak how you, as an ethical counselor, would respond to the teacher’s request for you to speak with Wanda and her family.

Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsQuality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4Total:40