Abraham Maslow and the Existential Theories of Personality

Abraham Maslow and the Existential Theories of Personality

Abraham Maslow and the Existential Theories of Personality

Please answer the following questions in a 200-word response minimum. Try your best to reference the text I will message you privately for how to access the text book.

1. Chapter 9 covers the life and work of Abraham Maslow, and one of his most influential contributions to the field of psychology and personality theory is the concept of Hierarchy of Needs. After reading the chapter, do you agree or disagree with Maslow’s belief that all people are motivated by the same needs?

2. Chapter 10 from our textbook explores the work of Carl Rogers, who is one of my personal favorites in the history of psychology. Rogers’ profoundly impacted the field of personality and clinical psychology with his client-centered theory. A part of the client-centered theory is the concept of self-actualization. After reading this chapter, what is actualizing tendency and what factors affect an individual’s ability to realize it?

3. Chapter 11 of the textbook covers my most favorite content in this course – the existential theories of personality. In your own words, what is existential psychology? Essentially, how would you explain this concept to a friend or coworker who had never heard of it before?

4. After watching the TED Talk by Nancy Etcoff on the science of happiness, what can you do in your personal life to experience more genuine happiness?

Link the video: http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=48435

5. Watch “Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy,”

Please make a statement about what you saw in the video and reflect on his life’s work with a notable response. Here is the link: http://search.alexanderstreet.com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/view/work/1858200

Please participate (respond) to the classmates answers with POSITIVE notable and educational input. (200 word minimum Reponses)

1. Kelly: Hello classmates and facilitator. This is a hard question. I guess I would have to say that in a way everyone is motivated by the same needs. I agree with the hierarchy of needs steps and the order they are in. Everyone is motivated by the same needs but those needs can come in different forms or different things. But all in all everyone is motivated by the same needs. Especially the basic needs such as food, water, and natural survival. Then comes the need to feel safe and this is a very important need for everyone.

The next level is that of love and belongingness. Everyone is searching for some for of love and acceptance whether it be from the opposite sex or from family members. After people have reached that belongingness they search for their esteem. With the acceptance of others we then start to feel better about ourselves. And if you are lucky you can reach self actualization. This is really hard to reach. Only about 10% of the people actually reach this level. It is very hard to be that satisfied with yourself, but if you do it is a great accomplishment.

2. Cathy: I have mixed emotions regarding this because it’s just too simplistic and general. This theory provides a useful summary of human needs, which can be used in product design, product positioning, pricing (e.g. need for power & status), and retail outlets’ designs.It also helps marketers to focus their advertising appeals on specific needs shared by a large segment of their target market. The major problem with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is that it cannot be tested empirically – there is no way to measure precisely how satisfied one level of need must be before the next higher need becomes operative. The model is too simplistic. The same product or service can satisfy several needs at once. The model lacks empirical support for the rank-ordering of the needs. The model is too culture-bound: it lacks validity across different cultures and the assumptions of the hierarchy may be restricted to Western cultures.

3. Kelly: Hello classmates and facilitator. As for humans, the only motive they possess is actualizing tendency. An example of the motive of actualization is the needs to express deep emotions when these emotions occur; another example is for a human to satisfy a hunger drive. Actualization involves the entirety of an individual because every individual operates as a complete organism (Feist & Feist, 2009).

Under particular conditions humans only realize their actualization tendency. Feist and Feist (2009), “specifically, people must be involved in a relationship with a partner who is congruent, or authentic, and who demonstrates empathy and unconditional positive regard” (p. 314). Possessing a relationship with an individual who possesses these qualities does not enable an individual’s movement toward his or her constructive development, but it enables an individual actualization of his or her internal tendency toward self-fulfillment (Feist & Feist, 2009).


An assertion of Rogers’ was that when empathy, congruence, and when unconditional positive regard occurs in a relationship, without exception psychological growth occurs. Therefore, Rogers consider these conditions a necessity and adequate conditions for an individual to become an individual who is a self-actualizing or who can function fully. Humans, nonhuman animals, and plants have an actualizing tendency; however, the concept of self and the self-actualization potential is only the possession of humans. Self-actualization and the actualization tendency are not synonymous; however, self-actualization is a subset of the actualization tendency.