Tina Jones respiratory assessment SOAP NOTE

Tina Jones respiratory assessment SOAP NOTE

Tina Jones respiratory assessment SOAP NOTE

1.Gather?subjective?and?objective data?by completing an appropriately detailed health history and physical examination?for each physical assessment assignment

2.Critically?appraise?the findings as?normal?or?abnormal

3.Based on the history and physical assessment findings, develop one primary and two differential diagnoses for the focused assessment assignments

4.Create treatment plans that include each of the following components for a comprehensive treatment plan: diagnostics, medication, education, consultation/referral, and follow-up planning



E-Learning in Canvas is the course management system that you will use for this course. E-Learning in Canvas is accessed by using your Gatorlink account name and password at http://lss.at.ufl.edu. There are several tutorials and student help links on the E-Learning login site. If you have technical questions call the UF Computer Help Desk at 352-392-HELP or send email to [email protected].


It is important that you regularly check your Gatorlink account email for College and University wide information and the course E-Learning site for announcements and notifications.


Course websites are generally made available on the Friday before the first day of classes.


  1. Characteristics of holistic assessment based on systems theory including physiological, affective and cognitive systems for client and client’s environment


  1. Cross-cultural communication


  1. Organization of comprehensive and focused health assessment data


  1. Verbal and written communication of comprehensive and focused health assessment data


  1. Advanced health assessment


  1. Risk assessment taking into consideration life circumstance and cultural, ethnic, developmental, and family variations


  1. Illness assessment based on common chief complaints


  1. Screening tests for physical and mental health


  1. Diagnostic tests for common acute and chronic illnesses


  1. Selected mnemonics, e.g., BELIEF, ETHIC


Online lectures, discussion, clinical skill demonstration, simulation exercises, audiovisual materials, and case studies.  This course will utilize an online virtual patient system and a simulation lab for practice of assessment and diagnostic reasoning skills, not actual clinical settings with patients.



Readings, skills practice, online assessment activities with a virtual patient, papers



Minimum Required Contact Hours for Laboratory (45) Fulfilled by:

  • On campus skills performance (2 on-campus labs)
  • Competency performance of the male and female exam through the Harrell Professional Development and Assessment Center. Attendance at these sessions is required (On-campus activity)
  • Online assessment activities with virtual patient


For students who achieve a satisfactory laboratory grade, the letter grade for the course will be based upon the following:

  1. Written and media based assignments including SOAP notes, comprehensive history and exam, and objective evaluations associated with a virtual patient.
  2. Participation in 2 day long labs (5 hours each)
  3. Proficiency in examination of each body system.  This will be evaluated by a 20 minute full PE.  The student must demonstrate proficiency (74% score) in order to pass the course.
  4. Proficiency in conducting a focused assessment of a virtual patient

Comprehensive H & P Paper                                                 15%

Weekly Online Quizzes                                                          15%

Virtual Patient Assignments                                                   30%

20 minute check off (S/U)                                                      10%

Final Virtual Patient Assessment                                           30%



Alternative or make-up activities will only be available for notification of an excused absence that is provided prior to the missed class. Excused absences are personal illness, or death in the family. Work or vacation related activities that cause a missed assignment, quiz, exam, or attendance are not excused absences.



A         95-100 (4.0)                C         74-79* (2.0)

A-        93-94   (3.67)              C-        72-73   (1.67)

B+       91- 92  (3.33)              D+       70-71   (1.33)

B         84-90   (3.0)                D         64-69   (1.0)

B-        82-83   (2.67)              D-        62-63   (0.67)

C+       80-81   (2.33)              E          61 or below (0.0)

* 74 is the minimal passing grade


For more information on grades and grading policies, please refer to University’s grading policies: http://gradcatalog.ufl.edu/content.php?catoid=4&navoid=907#grades



Goolsby M. J. & Grubbs, L. (2014). Advanced assessment: interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses. Philadelphia:  F. A. Davis.

Seidel, H. M., Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E. & Benedict, G. W. (2014). Mosby’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Pagana, K., & Pagana, T. (2008). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests (5th ed.). St.          Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Shadowhealth Virtual Patient Online Program- Required  (Instructions next page)