Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Introduction and Course Description

I’ve designed this course to give you a basic understanding of each of the different fields that collectively make up the science of psychology. One field is concerned with how the brain is organized; another with how children mature; still another with why people become anxious or depressed and how to help them. Psychology is concerned with each of these areas, and much more. In psychology we are interested in why people think and feel and act the way that they do. By the end of this course, you should have a good understanding of what psychologists study, and some of their most important research findings.

Because so many different fields are involved, I will divide the course into sections: neuroscience, development, psychological disorders, and so forth. In lecture, I will survey what psychologists know about each field. This information is reinforced and expanded upon in the textbook and in weekly discussion sessions. To evaluate how well you understand the textbook material, in each section I will ask several questions on the lectures and readings. You will have an opportunity to apply the issues to your own lives during weekly recitation sessions. I also have assigned four papers to develop your written expression of psychology. Finally, there will be a cumulative in class final exam given during finals week.


Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Course Objectives

After taking PSY 102, you should be better able to:

1. Apply critical thinking skills to research designs and practical problems in psychology.

2. Understand basic psychological theories, principles, and concepts in the areas of human development, social interaction, psychopathology, cognitive processes, and the biological bases of behavior.

3. Evaluate hypotheses, research designs, research findings, and theories.

4. Understand how statistical significance is used in research

5. Understand the difference between pseudo-science and science and apply such understanding to media reports about psychology.

6. Apply psychological concepts and principles to understanding social and cultural phenomena.

7. Communicate your ideas orally and in writing.

8. Apply psychological concepts to you own life and experiences.


PSY 102 satisfies the Individual and Society general education requirement of the CUNY Pathways Common Core. The course also enhances proficiency in writing, information literacy, and quantitative reasoning. In exercising writing proficiency, you will have multiple experiences to communicate your ideas in writing and speaking, including at least 3500 words of writing in specific assignments. For information literacy, you will have multiple opportunities to critically and constructively analyze information from different areas of study.

You will be required to find information in the library, on the Internet, and in other places, evaluating the reliability of this information. To enhance proficiency in quantitative reasoning, you will have multiple opportunities to evaluate critically quantitative information in graphic, tabular, and numeric forms.

This syllabus explains everything that you need to know about this course. It contains the grading policy, the attendance policy, the dishonesty policy, office hours, the course schedule, the schedule for papers, quizzes, and tests. At the end of this syllabus is listed each week’s reading assignment (exact pages rather than entire chapters) along with EVERY concept and psychology study that you are required to know. If something is listed on the syllabus, you must know it, but if it is not, I promise that your grade will never be influenced by your knowledge of it.

My practice is to inform you of exactly what you need to learn, give you multiple opportunities (my lecture, the textbook, discussion sections, my office hours, and office hours at which teaching assistants will be available) to learn it, and then hold you responsible for learning it. Thus, make certain that you keep the syllabus in a safe place (e.g., staple it to your notebook), so that you can refer to it throughout the semester, including in lecture; the syllabus also will be posted on the course’s web site (see below).


Required Text — A version of the required textbook is available electronically through a special website that your TA will provide you with at the beginning of the semester (less expensive) and as a hard cover at the CCNY bookstore (more expensive):

Myers, D. G. (2016). Psychology (11th Edition). New York: Worth.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

No book besides the Myers textbook is required for the course. The assigned edition of the textbook (i.e., 11th edition) is the current edition; if you elect to purchase an even earlier edition of the textbook (e.g., 9th edition), please bear in mind that the page listings, chapter organization, and much of the material differ from the current edition. The textbook at the bookstore comes with a code for you to access LaunchPad, the online homework software. You cannot complete the course without access to LaunchPad.

The publisher has made available from its microsite a special version of LaunchPad for only $60, which includes an electronic version of the textbook at no extra charge. (Information on the URL needed to order LaunchPad from the publisher microsite will appear on Blackboard). Thus, you have two different ways to purchase the textbook and LaunchPad: CCNY bookstore or publisher microsite. For most students the microsite version will be the best option. LaunchPad contains many additional features to assist you in enjoying the pleasures of introductory psychology: videos, on-line resources and activities, practice tests, diagnostic quizzing to determine how ready you are for in-class exams, and a personalized study plan.



An electronic version of this syllabus, attendance updates, a grade calculator, homework assignments, term paper assignments, test and quiz grades, announcements, and other pertinent information about this course will be communicated through links to this course on Blackboard. We use Blackboard to ensure privacy in notifying you of your grades and attendance. To log on to Blackboard you must first register your CUNY Portal account using this address:

Once inside the portal, you will click on the link for Blackboard. There you will find a listing of all the CCNY courses for which you are currently enrolled. Click on the link for PSY 102 to view the course material. If you have trouble logging onto Blackboard, or viewing the PSY 102 link, visit the computer consultants in NAC 1-301 immediately. To stay connected in this course, you ideally would like to have access to Blackboard by the second week of the semester. So be sure that you are properly enrolled in the course and can log on to Blackboard without difficulty by then.

Be sure to bookmark the portal address in your browser. If you do not have a computer, or are not connected to the Internet, you can access this web site by logging on to any of the computers in the campus computer laboratories. If you have trouble logging on to a computer or finding the web site, please ask your teaching assistant for help before or after your weekly recitation section or during their office hours listed on Blackboard and on the door of NAC 7-205.

Each student enrolled in this course — indeed, each student at the college — has an institutional e-mail account. An e-mail address has been reserved for you for as long as you are associated with the City College of New York. Use your e-mail address to communicate with me or with the teaching assistants at any time. My e-mail is listed at the end of the syllabus; your TA will provide you with his or her e-mail during recitation. (Avoid using the e-mail links in Blackboard). Someone will respond to your message promptly.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

What material do you need to know to do well in the class?

The quizzes given at the beginning of each recitation class will be based upon the reading assigned for that day and the lectures on that reading. If you pay attention in lecture and when you do the reading, you should have little problem with the quizzes. By looking at the end of this syllabus, you can tell which concepts and studies you must know from the reading so if you have any uncertainty about those concepts or studies, you can go to the office hours held by any of the TAs and ask before the quiz occurs. There is a large overlap between the material covered in lectures and in the reading but there are some concepts and studies that are covered in one but not the other. Every quiz will have at least 2 questions on material taken specifically from the lectures that may not be in the book so attendance at lecture can have a large effect on your grade.

Seat Assignments

There are no assigned seats in this class. You are free to sit wherever you want each day.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Discussion Sections

Each week your teaching assistant will lead a discussion session. These sessions will allow you to consider the course material in greater detail and in smaller group settings than we are able to do in the large lecture classroom. Each session will be devoted to a discussion of the course material. The teaching assistants also will use these sessions to answer any questions that you might have about the material or the course, to provide details about the course requirements, or to review for the final examination. To get the most out of the discussion sessions it is a good idea to bring your textbook along to each meeting.


If you come to class during this time, you will be allowed to answer the three multiple choice questions on the quiz but the quizzes will be collected at 5 minutes after the class is scheduled to begin. Do not argue with your teaching assistant about getting extra time. They are not allowed to agree to that. Attendance will be taken using the quizzes.


Your grade will be based on the following:


Each week in discussion class (other than the first class on Thursday 2/1 or Friday 2/2) you will take a quiz, given the first 5 minutes of class, made up of 3 multiple-choice questions worth 2 points per question. Questions on the quizzes will come from the lectures and the reading assignments. If you miss lectures or do not do the reading, you will lose points on the quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes. This is because the three lowest quiz grades will be dropped.

It is not necessary to tell me the reason you missed a quiz because 3 quiz grades will be dropped for every student. If you do not miss 3 quizzes you still get to drop your 3 lowest grades. If you miss more than 3 quizzes, I feel that you have not been attending enough and deserve to lose points. Do not ask for more makeups. The quizzes must be given during the first 5 minutes of your discussion class in order to avoid wasting class time.


Total discussion quiz points = 60 (10 highest quizzes x 3 questions X 2 points).


A major goal of this class is to help you to become more critical thinkers. One aspect of critical thinking is to more closely examine your everyday life and not just take for granted how you and others behave. As a college educated person you can learn to combine the knowledge and theories you learn in classes, including this one, with your own experience to better understand your life. In order to aid such learning, you will be asked to apply the class material to the world around you in the papers described below and in 10 very brief, one paragraph, homework assignments.

In each assignment you will show how some of the material from that week’s lecture and reading is exhibited in your behavior or the behavior of others. Homework assignments will be submitted in class in hard copy and on Blackboard, as described in the section on “Papers” below. For every class that is listed below in the section entitled “Material for which you are responsible in Psychology 102” as having a homework due, look in the Content section of the Blackboard for this class under the heading “Homeworks” and do the homework assigned for the week of that class.

Total homework points =20 (10 homeworks x 2 points).

Participation in discussion class

Each week there will be a brief homework assignment in which you apply the concepts taught that week to everyday life. Each class at least four students will be randomly called on to discuss their homework.

Students who participate in discussion class may receive up to 10 extra credit points.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World


You will write 4 papers, one of which one will be briefer than the others and worth fewer points. Plagiarism will result in a zero grade on the paper (no exceptions) and reported to the college committee on course and standing. Repeated plagiarism will be punished more severely. Every term I tell people that papers are submitted on Blackboard and in hard copy. The Blackboard submission allows us to search every paper submitted in the course, both this term and all other terms, and to compare your papers to the entire internet. Students who copy material for their papers from other students’ papers or from the internet are identified and punished. Yet every term sea few students get desperate and copy and are caught. Please do not copy material. I prefer not to have to punish students. Total paper points = 115.

The due dates for the longer papers are separated by at least three-week intervals. A hard copy version of your paper is due in class on the due date that is listed below in the section “Material for which you are responsible in Psychology 102”.

In addition, please use Blackboard to send your papers to your teaching assistant by 5:00 pm or before on these three dates. In order to do this, first log on to Blackboard and click on the link for PSY 102. Then go to assignments ? go to papers ? click on the link corresponding to the paper you are working on (i.e. paper #1). Once there, scroll down and where it says “Attach local file” browse your computer for the finished paper and add it. Then click submit, and you are done. Late papers will not be accepted for full credit.

Your paper is considered late if it has not been received by the deadline. Feel free to ask your teaching assistant for confirmation of receipt; if you then do not receive confirmation from your teaching assistant, contact me immediately. None of the paper grades may be dropped. If you have not submitted the paper on time both in class and on Safe Assign, you must see Professor Silverstein. The later it is, the more points will be deducted. NEVER LEAVE A PAPER IN Professor Silverstein’s mailbox unless he specifically tells you to. All papers left without instruction in his mailbox will be destroyed and not graded.

Extra credit option for visiting writing center

To encourage students to write better papers, both in terms of grammar and organization, we have devised an extra-credit opportunity for you. If you bring any of your papers to the Rudin Writing Center to receive feedback from a tutor there, and then submit to your teaching assistant proof from the Writing Center that you went, your teaching assistant will add 3 points to your paper grade. Be sure to take advantage of this extra-credit option for each of the papers. (SEEK and SSSP students can see a SEEK/SSSP tutor instead.)

Final exam

The cumulative final consists of 30 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each and 2 short essays worth 10 points each.

Total final points = 50.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Psychology experiment participation

As part of the requirements for PSY 102, students over 18 years old are asked to participate as subjects in 3 credit units (i.e., 3 hours) of ongoing research in the Department of Psychology, or to complete an equivalent number of written assignments (i.e., three 2-3 page papers). The logic behind the requirement is that students of psychological science should play an active role in different kinds of research conducted by psychologists.

Professor Silverstein decided to become a Psychology major in part because he was in some studies he found interesting. To fulfill this requirement, you will need to sign up for individual experiments, which usually are ready by the third week of classes, are scheduled throughout the semester, and are conducted until the last week of classes, but not during finals week. Hence, you need to complete your research participation or alternative written assignments by Friday, May 11th, 2018 at 5:00 pm.

To sign up for an experiment, use your browser to reach: (be sure to copy and paste the link for the Subject Pool that appears on Blackboard into a new browser page). Once on the web site, register yourself into the subject pool by selecting “Request Account”. Use your e-mail account to register and select a password (which does not need to be your e-mail password). After you submit your registration and it has been approved, you will receive an e-mail (to whichever e-mail account you registered) providing you with a link to log in. Your log-in is your e-mail address. Once logged in, you will be asked to fill out a demographic survey. After completing the survey, click “Experiments” on the menu bar.

There you will find descriptions of experiments that are currently available. Select the experiments that seem interesting to you and sign up for times that suit you. By clicking “Appointments” you can read and print out the time and location of the appointments you have scheduled. Be sure to arrive at your appointments on time. For each experimental session, you will be asked to read and sign an informed consent document, stating that you agree to participate in the study. The experimenter then will test you in the study and credit you for your participation. You can withdraw from the experiment at any time.

To check your credits, select “Completed” under “Appointments” on the menu bar. Check within a couple of days after the experiment to ensure that you have been properly credited. In fact, your record on Subject Pool is how we verify that you have completed the 3-unit requirement. When you have participated in enough experiments to earn 3 credit units on Subject Pool, then you have successfully completed the requirement. You will only receive points for this assignment if you have completed the requirement; no partial points will be given.

Don’t forget to show up on time to any experiment you have signed up to participate in, or else be sure to cancel. If you fail to arrive on time for an experiment, you will be penalized by having to complete additional experimental hours or being barred from the subject pool. To avoid any penalty, you must cancel your participation in an experiment before the end of the experiment’s cancellation period (see the experiment’s description). To cancel an experiment, click “Appointments” on the menu bar ? click “Scheduled” ? click the garbage can icon. If you have incurred penalties during the semester, to fulfill the participation requirement you will need to complete enough experimental hours beyond 3 hours to equal the total number of penalties.

Alternative Written Assignment: Three Papers. If you do not wish to take part in the research participation requirement, have been excluded from the pool, are younger than 18 years old, or cannot participate because of conflicts, you are allowed to substitute an alternative, written assignment of three 2-3 page papers (i.e., one paper for each research unit). This assignment is in addition to the four papers already required in the course.

You also can use the alternative assignment to reach the 3-unit threshold if you have not completed enough experiments (e.g., 1 paper + 2 experimental hours = 3 research units). Each of the three papers in the alternative assignment will be a structured summary of a classic study in psychology, selected by me (the three studies are saved as pdfs in Blackboard). If you are interested in doing the alternative assignment, follow exactly the instructions for the structured summary, which are provided in Blackboard.

Total research participation points = 5.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World


In order to help interested students learn the course material better and improve their grades, extra classes will be held each week in which students can ask questions about material they do not understand and receive advice about how to improve the papers they write. Six hour-long Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions will be held each week. Students will sign in to each session they attend. For every 3 sessions students attend, they will be allowed to rewrite one of the three longer papers in order to improve their grades.

The deadline for submitting a rewritten paper is one week after that paper was returned to students with a grade. Students who have attended 3 new (that is not used to justify an earlier paper rewrite) SI sessions by the time the rewrite is due, will be allowed to submit it. Each semester, some students do not attend SI sessions but as the semester comes to an end, they realize they need to improve their grades. Unfortunately, often by that time it is too late for them to attend 3 SI sessions so they request an extension. I WILL NOT GRANT EXTENSIONS SO PLAN AHEAD.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World


· Total points possible = 250 (not counting extra credit) = 115 (papers) + 60 (quizzes) + 20 (homework) +

50 (final) + 5 (experiment participation).

· Total points needed for each Final grade (You must earn the cutoff score to get the grade not just get higher than the score for the lower grade. Missing by even one point earns the lower grade.):

· A=225, A- =216, B+ =208, B=200, B-=191, C+=183, C =175, C- = 166, D=150, F=<150.

· A= 90% of possible total points (not counting extra credit), B=80% etc.

In a class with hundreds of students, several miss a higher grade by one point but if the cutoff is lowered for them, several others will miss the new cutoff by one point. I know it is annoying to miss a higher grade by a point but nothing can or will be done about it. Take advantage of the extra credit opportunities by participating in class, visiting the writing center and attending Supplemental Instruction classes described below which will allow you to rewrite papers to improve your grade.

If you participate a lot in discussion class you can earn as much as 10 extra credits. If you visit the writing center for each of the 4 papers, you can earn 12 extra credits. If you attend a total of 9 SI sessions, rewrite the 3 longer papers and improve you grade on each paper by only 1 point you can add 3 points. Totaling the 10 points for participation, the 12 points for writing center and the 3 points for rewrites comes to 25 added points which is the difference between one letter grade and the next whole letter grade (e.g. B to A). Getting a good grade in this class in large part relies on you putting in some effort.


Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World


Simple problems with the course, including late assignments, can be dealt with by speaking in the lecture hall to Professor Silverstein after the 11:50-12:40 lecture and before the 1-1:50 lecture. Generally, late assignments are not acceptable. Speak to the instructor as soon as problems occur. Do not wait weeks and then say that you did not know that you had to talk to someone. Never email an assignment without first talking to the instructor. Never leave an assignment in Professor Silverstein’s mailbox, it will not count.

My office hours are Monday 3:15-4:15, Wednesday 4:15-5:15 and by appointment in NAC Room 7-120a.

The Course Coordinator of Psychology 102 is Ms. Kseniia Gvozdieva. She can answer any questions that you might have about the course. Her office is located in 7/307b and you can schedule a time to meet with her by appointment. Her e-mail address is [email protected]

The teaching assistants will each hold regular office hours in NAC 7/205. The times and locations of these office hours are posted on the door of NAC 7/205 and on Blackboard. Please contact them either through e-mail, or by approaching them either before or after class. You can ask questions about the material to any of the tas so, whatever your schedule, you should be able to attend some office hours if you need help. Finally, feel free to discuss any questions you may have with your teaching assistant during your regular recitation session.

Academic Dishonesty

Dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course in any guise. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, (1) plagiarism: using another’s words, ideas, or paraphrases and implying that they are your own; (2) cheating: using hidden notes or examining another person’s responses in order to answer questions on a checkup or test; (3) ringers: having another person fulfill your assignment. In this course, it is very important that you avoid plagiarism when completing your paper assignments. To help you in understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, please read the guide provided by CUNY’s provost, dean, and student affairs offices:

One recurring issue of academic dishonesty concerns the term papers. Each of the questions asked of you in a term paper must be answered in your own words. Any very brief quotations from other material must be included in quotation marks and you must mention in your paper where it came from. If you are thinking of plagiarizing, you should be aware that the process of looking for plagiarism is an automatic one done through a program in Blackboard called SafeAssign, which checks all submitted materials against a very large source material database, including papers handed in by other students this and previous semesters.

Every semester I warn students that SafeAssign catches their attempts to take material from others yet every semester several students try it and are caught. Do not copy material from other sources! Any cases of academic dishonesty that I uncover on any assignment in this course will be dealt with strictly: A faculty report on the dishonest student will be filed with the Office of the Academic Integrity Official; the student will be given a zero in the assignment and possibly failed in the course. Please consult CUNY’s policy on academic integrity for further information:

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) provides a supportive environment for students with disabilities and can be helpful in arranging student accommodations, support services, and academic adjustments.  Please contact the office at 212-650-5913 early in the semester to schedule an appointment.  If after meeting with SDS it is determined that you would benefit from in-class accommodations, the office will ask you to bring me an Academic Adjustment Memo that specifies the nature of the accommodations.  I can work with you to ensure that these accommodations are met. This is their website where you can get more information:

Material for which you are responsible in Psychology 102

You will only be tested on the material listed below. The material includes concepts, studies, and names.

Many names of noted psychologists are mentioned in the book and lecture. The only names you must know are listed for each week by the heading “Names to know”. For these people only, I may simply write the person’s name and ask a question about their work, such as “What is the major criticism offered today of Piaget’s theory?” For all other names, additional explanatory material will be added to any question, such as “What was the major cause of aggression suggested in Muzafer Sherif’s Boy Scout Camp Study?”

Quizzes on the material occur on the days listed. These quizzes occur in the first five minutes of the day on which you will discuss the material in order to get you to read the material before the discussions take place.

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Section 1: Social Psychology

Week 1 — Recitation Thursday 2/1 or Friday 2/2: Introduction to the class. No quiz

Week 2 — Social Cognition section 13-1, 13-7, 13-8 Quiz: Thursday 2/8, Friday 2/9 Homework due

Concepts Studies

social cognition woman acts warm or aloof (Napolitan and Goethals, 1979)

attribution cultural differences in attribution (Masuda and Kitayama, 2004 lecture only)

situational attribution

dispositional attribution

fundamental attribution error

actor-observer difference

cultural differences in attribution

just-world phenomenon (textbook only)

Week 3 — Social Influence sections 13-3 through 13-6 Quiz: Thursday 2/15, Friday 2/16 Homework due

Concepts Studies

conformity conformity studies (Asch, 1955)

normative vs. informational Ku Klux Klan uniforms (Zimbardo, 1970 textbook only)

social influence electric shock (Milgram, 1963, 1974)




deindividuation (textbook only) Names to know

Solomon Asch

Stanley Milgram

Week 4 – Conflict, Prejudice sections 13-7, 13-15, 13-16 Quiz: Thursday 2/22, Friday 2/23 Homework due

Paper 1 assigned, due Thursday 3/8, Friday 3/9

Concepts Studies

social identity theory conflict Boy Scout camp (Sherif, 1966)

stereotype superordinate goals in-group solidarity (Tajfel, 1982)

discrimination mirror image perceptions implicit racial associations (Banaji & Greenwald, 1998)

automatic prejudice GRIT weapons identification studies (Correll et al., 2002;

Greenwald et al., 2003)

scapegoat (Cialdini et al., 1980, textbook only)

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Section 2: Developmental Psychology

Week 5 — Learning sections 7-1 through 7-3, 7-7 through 7-9, 7-11, 7-13, 7-16 Quiz: Thursday 3/1, Friday 3/2 Homework due

Concepts Studies

classical conditioning Pavlov’s dog experiments

unconditioned stimulus children observe aggression (Bandura et al., 1963)

unconditioned response attribution of fear/anger in infants (lecture only)

conditioned stimulus fathers play with babies (lecture only)

conditioned response teachers’ attention to pre-schoolers (lecture only)

operant conditioning mothers read to children (lecture only)

positive reinforcement


primary reinforcer or punisher

secondary reinforcer or punisher Names to know

extinction Ivan Pavlov

shaping Albert Bandura

superstitious behavior

social learning theories

observational learning

gender schema

Week 6 — Cognitive Development sections 5-1, 5-5, 5-13 Quiz: Thursday 3/8, Friday 3/9 Paper 1 due No homework due

Concepts Studies

motor reflexes babies view dogs and cats (Spencer lecture only)

Piaget’s cognitive stages children view model room and toy (DeLoache, 1987)

assimilation children view Band Aid box with pencils (Jenkins et al., 1996)

accomodation moral dilemmas (Kohlberg, 1983, 1984)

sensorimotor stage brain imaging of moral dilemma (Greene, 2001 textbook only)

object permanence

preoperational stage

egocentric Names to know

theory of mind Jean Piaget

concrete operational stage Lawrence Kohlberg


conservation developing morality

formal operational stage preconventional morality

abstract reasoning conventional morality

reflecting on Piaget postconventional morality

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Week 7 — Lifespan Development pages section 5-14 Quiz: Thursday 3/15, Friday 3/16 Homework due

Paper 2 assigned, due Thursday 4/12, Friday 4/13


Erikson’s psychosocial stages Names to know

trust vs. mistrust Erik Erikson

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

initiative vs. guilt

industry vs. inferiority

identity vs. role confusion

intimacy vs. isolation

generativity vs. stagnation

ego integrity vs. despair

biological maturation

societal expectation

life crises

Experimental Methods and Measures of Central Tendency Lecture 3/12 see concepts after Week 15 below No quiz

Section 3: Cognitive Psychology

Week 8 — Perception sections 3-3, 6-1 through 6-6, 6-10, 6-12, 6-14, 6-15 Quiz: Thursday 3/22, Friday 3/23

Homework due

Concepts Studies

selective attention tasting fries (Robinson et al., 2007)

sensation studies of subliminal perception (Feguson & Zayas, 2009)

transduction subliminal self-help (Greenwald et al., 1991,1992)

sensory adaptation hunger and food perception (lecture only)

perception kittens view stripes (lecture only)

feature detection

bottom-up processing

top-down processing

perceptual set

form perception figure and ground

Gestalt psychology

Gestalt principles of perceptual grouping





visual constancies

shape constancy

color constancy lightness constancy

size constancy

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Week 9 — Memory sections 8-1 through 8-8, 8-14 through 8-16 Quiz: Thursday 3/29, Wednesday 4/11(Friday schedule)

Homework due

Concepts Studies

reconstructive process memory systems

source amnesia sensory memory car collisions (Loftus & Palmer, 1974)

short-term (working) memory divers learn words (Godden & Baddeley 1975)

explicit memory long-term memory sensory memory (Sperling, 1960)

recall chunks remembering a list of sweets (Roediger et al.,1995 textbook only)

recognition types of long-term memory

implicit memory procedural

priming episodic

relearning semantic

case of H.M. rehearsal

deep processing mnemonics

state-dependent memory flashbulb memory

steps in memory




Week 10 — Thinking Sections 1-1, 14-21, 9-2 through 9-4 Quiz Thursday 4/12, Friday 4/13 Homework due Paper 2 due

Brief paper 3 assigned, due Thursday 4/19, Friday 4/20


Hindsight bias Availability heuristic

Overconfidence Belief perseverance

Self-serving bias Framing

Confirmation bias

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Section 4: Abnormal/Clinical Psychology

Week 11 — Psychoanalytic theory sections 14-1 through 14-9 Quiz: Thursday, 4/19, Friday 4/20 Brief paper 3 due

No homework due


Unconscious psychosexual stages of development

psychoanalysis oral

structure of the personality anal

id phallic

ego Oedipus complex

superego identification

defense mechanisms latency

repression genital

projection problems with

displacement psychodynamic theories

reaction formation

regression Names to know

denial Sigmund Freud


Week 12 — Diagnosis/Psychopathology sections 14-7, 14-15, 15-1, 15-3, 15-6, 15-7 through 15-9, 15-11, 15-12

15-15 through 15-17, 16-14, 16-15 Quiz: Thursday 4/26, Friday 4/27 Homework due Paper 4 assigned, due Thursday 5/10, Friday 5/11


projective tests multiple personality (dissociative identity disorder)

Rorschach Inkblot test schizophrenia

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) positive symptoms

MMPI delusions

DSM hallucinations

anxiety disorders disorganized speech

generalized anxiety disorder inappropriate behavior

phobia negative symptoms

panic disorder loss of motivation

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) flat affect

obsessions catatonic stupor

compulsions antipsychotic drugs

posttraumatic stress disorder

mood disorders antidepressant drugs

major depression antianxiety drugs

bipolar disorder (manic depression) lithium ECT

Week 13 — Psychotherapy sections 14-10, 14-11, 16-2 through 16-7 Quiz: Thursday, 5/3, Friday 5/4 Homework due


psychodynamic therapy cognitive behavioral therapy rational emotive therapy group therapy

free association behavioral records and contracts client-centered therapy family therapy

transference systematic desensitization unconditional positive regard prevention

resistance role playing rehabilitation psychologists

dream analysis modeling

cognitive restructuring

Names to know

Carl Rogers

Albert Ellis

Psychology 10200: Psychology in the Modern World

Section 4: The Nervous System

Week 14 — The Brain sections 2-7 through 2-12, 6-11 Quiz: Thursday 5/10, Friday 5/11 Paper 4 due No homework due

Concepts Studies

central nervous system Forebrain identify spoon (Gazzaniga, 1967)

spinal cord thalamus photo of nude (lecture only)

reflexes hypothalamus

EEG limbic system

PET scan amygdala

functional MRI hippocampus

neuropsychology Cerebral cortex

Brain stem corpus callosum

medulla split brain

cerebellum blindsight

reticular formation

Week 15 — The Neuron sections 2-22 through 2-4, 8-13 Lecture 5/14 No quiz Tested on final exam No discussion class


neuron synapse action potential

axon neurotransmitter long term potentiation

dendrite endorphin

Lectures on basic Psychology research methods and statistics

Experimental methods and measures of central tendency

sections 1-3, 1-8, 1-11, 1-12 Lecture 3/12 No quiz Tested on final exam No discussion class


experiment central tendency

experimental group mean

control group median

independent variable mode

dependent variable variance

random assignment

operational definition



Correlation section 1-5 through 1-7 Lecture 5/9 No quiz Tested on final exam No discussion class


correlation scatterplot

correlation coefficient correlation does not imply causation



The Anatomy of an Essay

Structure to be used in writing papers other than Paper 4


??Begins (“introduces”) your essay

??Contains your Thesis Statement: one sentence that states clearly what position you will take in the essay

??Introduces reasons/evidence that you will discuss in detail in the body paragraphs

Body Paragraphs

??All sentences are related to ONE main idea


o Supports the Thesis Statement of the essay

o Introduces the idea that guides the paragraph and lets the reader know what to expect

o Should be a specific idea that needs to be proven


o Related to topic sentence and controlling ideas

o Offer evidence, to support, describe, or define the topic

o Can answer the questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, or How (a.k.a. the “5 W’s”)


o Re-states the main idea, offers a solution or prediction, answers any unresolved questions


??Signals the end of the essay and leaves the reader with a final thought

??Can be a call to action (What do you want the reader to do?)

??Can be a final point that ties together all the ideas in the essay

??Can ask a question that leaves the reader with a final problem to think about

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