Clinical Decision Making – PNR 130 Reflective Clinical Assignment

Clinical Decision Making – PNR 130 Reflective Clinical Assignment

Clinical Decision Making – PNR 130 Reflective Clinical Assignment

PNR 130 Reflective Clinical Assignment Topics:  Students are required to submit a journal, due dates are provided on the course calendar.  Students should retain a typed copy of each entry for placement into their individual portfolio.  There is no right or correct response to the journal entries, therefore, the journals will be evaluated on:  completeness, spelling, and grammar.  No late journals will be accepted without prior approval from the instructor.


  • Each entry is required to be 1-1.5 pages in length.
  • Font size 12 (Times New Roman or Calibri)
  • Double-spaced.
  • Top right hand corner of paper to include: Name, Date, and Course# and Title of Reflective Assignment.
  • If Journal contains multiple spelling and/or grammatical errors, is insufficient in length and/or format, student will be required to correct and resubmit paper at the next clinical meeting. Student will receive an “NI” for Clinical Decision Making for that day.
  • Journals are to be printed and turned in to the clinical instructor at the BEGINNING of the clinical day.



Reflective Clinical Assignment #2: Concept of clinical decision making:

As a nurse, often clinical decisions need to be made in regards to medication administration.  A common example would be a patient who has pain with the following medications ordered:


Vicodin 1-2 tablets ordered every 6 hours prn pain

Percocet 1-2 tablets every 6 hours prn pain

Morphine 2-8 mg IV every 2 hours prn pain

Demerol 50-100 mg IM every 4-6 hours prn pain


Describe what assessments you would make, and how your findings would influence your decision of which medication to administer under different circumstances.


PNR 130 Journal Grading Rubric
Qualities and criteria Satisfactory


Needs Improvement





·        Correct format

·        1-1.5 pages in length

·        Body

·        References (as needed)

·        Submitted on time (hard copy)

15 points

Closely follows all the requirements related to format and layout.





11-15 pts

Follows, for the most part, all the requirements related to format and layout.  Some requirements are not followed.


5-10 pts

Follows poorly the requirements related to format and layout.






0-4 pts


·        required components/paragraphs as described in Reflective Clinical Assignments Instructions


50 points

The paper is objective and addresses all required components.  The provided information is sufficient to fully discuss the issues.


40-50 pts

The paper is objective and for the most part addresses all assigned components. The information provided is, for the most part, sufficient to discuss the issues.

20-39 pts

The paper is not objective and poorly addresses the components listed in the Reflective Clinical Assignments Instructions.  The provided information is not sufficient to discuss these issues.


0-19 pts

Quality of writing

·        Clarity of sentences and paragraphs

·        No error in spelling, grammar, use of English




20 points

The paper is well written throughout without spelling, grammar, or use of English errors.  The paper is well organized, clean and coherent.

15-20 pts

The paper is well written for the most part throughout with1 to 3 spelling, grammar, or use of English errors.  The paper is for the most part well organized, clean and coherent.

5-14 pts

The paper is poorly organized, contains multiple spelling, grammar, or use of English errors.  The paper lacks coherence.




0-4 pts

References and use of references (as needed)

·        Reliable online resources utilized

·        References are cited in body of paper as well as on reference list.

·        Resources are appropriate to assignment


15 points / Student pts:_______

References are cited correctly utilizing APA format.





11-15 pts

References are not cited correctly per APA guidelines.






5-10 pts

Citations are not utilized in the body of the paper or reference list. Plagiarism evident.





0-4 pts

Overriding criterion:  originality and authenticity.  If the work is identified as not being original and/or not being done by the student, the instructor has the right to grade the paper as an Unsatisfactory.