NSG 6630 Week 6 Discussion: Josie King story

NSG 6630 Week 6 Discussion: Josie King story

NSG 6630 Week 6 Discussion: Josie King story

The Josie King story is one of many compelling stories about what happens in healthcare systems when things go wrong and patients experience sentinel events, including irreparable harm or, as in the case of Josie, death . Josie was an eighteen-month-old toddler who had been admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital for burns she suffered accidentally when her mother was giving her a bath.

Josie died from medical errors that could have been avoided .Josie’s mother, Sorrel King, recounts how she tried to alert healthcare providers about her little girl’s changing condition and how she was ignored as her baby continued to decline despite the mother’s pleas for help .Josie died from severe dehydration and misused narcotics .

Access the following resource to learn more about Josie King:

King, S . (2002) . About: What happened [Speech transcript] .Retrieved from the Josie King Foundation Web site: http://www . josieking . org/page . cfm?pageID=10


Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Based on Josie King’s story, how can we move away from placing blame on one person and focus instead on the healthcare delivery systems we work in to improve patient safety and quality outcomes?

Describe one quality initiative that is occurring in your healthcare organization to improve the quality of patient care and safety to decrease sentinel events and the events that lead to such initiatives.

Discussed how we can move away from placing blame on one person and focus on the healthcare delivery systems we work in to improve patient safety and quality outcomes.

Described one quality initiative that is occurring in your healthcare organization to improve patient quality of care and safety to decrease sentinel events, and reflected on what led to this initiative.