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Assignment 2 Zero-Based Operational FTE Budget
In Week 7, you began preparing a zero-based operational FTE budget draft for your nursing unit.This week, you will finalize your budget and submit your assignment in the format of a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Week 10 Tasks
Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the worksheet you submitted in Week 7.
Then, finalize your zero-based operational FTE budget, and ensure that it covers the following:
Identify and describe the selected nursing unit on which the zero-based operational FTE budget is performed.What is the type of service provided by the nursing unit (for example, fifteen-bed intensive care unit or twenty-bed oncology unit)?
Finalize the budget worksheet or spreadsheet with subcodes. Make sure to include the following:
Operating expenses with subcodes
Description of subcodes
Prior-year expenses of subcodes
Original budget allocations for subcodes
Annualized expense for subcodes
Budget adjustments for subcodes
Approved budget for subcodes
Personnel costs for one nursing unit
Use APA style and formatting for your assignment.Make sure to include a title and a reference section for the assignment.
Submit your budget in a Microsoft Excel worksheet to the W10: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, November 7, 2017.Name your document SU_NSG6620_W10_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.xls
Assignment 2 Zero-Based Operational FTE Budget