NSG 6440 Week 10 Discussion: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

NSG 6440 Week 10 Discussion: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

NSG 6440 Week 10 Discussion: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

By the due date assigned, submit your Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention to theĀ Discussion Area.

Your Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document following APA style and should include the following:

  • The medical problem/diagnosis/disease.
  • Typical presenting signs and symptoms including:
    • Onset, Characteristics, Location, Radiation, Timing, Setting, Aggravating factors, Alleviating factors, Associated symptoms, Course since onset, Usual age group affected
    • Concomitant disease states associated with the diagnosis
  • The pathophysiology of the problem.
  • Three differential diagnoses and the usual presenting signs and symptoms in priority sequence with rationales.
  • Reference to at least two current journal articles that show evidence-based practice as how to best treat this disorder related to the primary differential.
  • The expected outcomes of the intervention.
  • Algorithms if available.
  • A typical clinical note in SOAP format.


We can as well assist you with:

NSG 6440 Week 2 Discussion

This week you learned about common conditions in the adolescent client.Ā  Please review the following case study and answer the following questions.

A fifteen-year-old female presents to your clinic complaining of shortness of breath and a nonproductive nocturnal cough. She states she used to feel this way only with extreme exercise, but lately, she has felt this way continuously. She denies any other upper respiratory symptoms, chest pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, or urinary tract symptoms. Her past medical history is significant only for seasonal allergies, for which she takes a nasal steroid spray but is otherwise on no other medications. She has had no surgeries. Her mother has allergies and eczema, and her father has high blood pressure. She is the only child. She denies smoking and illegal drug use. On examination, she is in no acute distress and her vital signs are: T 98.6, BP 120/80, pulse 80, and respirations 20. Her head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examinations are essentially normal. Inspection of her anterior and posterior chest shows no abnormalities. On auscultation of her chest, there is decreased air movement and high-pitched whistling on expiration in all lobes. Percussion reveals resonant lungs.

  1. What is the chief complaint?
  2. Based on the subjective and objective information provided what are your 3 top differential diagnosis listing the presumptive final diagnosis first?
  3. What treatment plan would you consider utilizing current evidence based practice guidelines?