How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity

How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity

1)      How do early personal experiences influence the positive or negative ethnic identity of persons of color? Can you think of a best example?  Provide a scholarly reference to support your response.

2)      What family and community support conditions must be in place to assist children of color from being at risk for low self-concept as a result of racism? Provide a scholarly reference to support your response.

3)      How do racial, social, political, and religious attitudes affect the counselor’s perception and treatment of clients? How could the Christian worldview/chosen religious beliefs help with providing treatment to diverse populations?

4)      Explain how mental health therapy is viewed in various cultures. Give at least two examples.

5)      How should a culturally competent counselor approach the processes of assessment and diagnosis when dealing with clients from minority client populations? Support your answer with at least one scholarly reference.

6)      Provide an example of cultural bias in counseling/psychological research and support your answer with at least one scholarly reference.

7)      What form of resistive behavior (or difficult behavior displayed by a group member) would you find most problematic in one of your groups? Why? How might you work in a therapeutic way with such a member’s behavior?

8)       Challenges Facing Group Leaders, what skills do you think you need to acquire or refine to more effectively address challenging situations in groups? How can you work on developing these skills?

9)      Under what circumstances might it be beneficial to design a group in which both children and their parents would participate? What special issues might arise in such a group, and how would you manage them?

10)   Review the group proposal for children who have been abused,  If you were screening children for such a group, what would be some signs that this group would be contraindicated for a particular child? How would you strive to obtain consent from parents or legal guardians, and how would you want to involve them? How might you orient children to this kind of group?


11)   When developing and implementing an adult support group, the following important guidelines should be considered: how the group is organized, how the format of each group session is structured, and what the short- and long-term outcomes of the group are. Consider the following three adult support groups: an HIV/AIDS support group, a support group for college students, and a domestic violence support group. What similarities do you see, and how do these similarities suggest guidelines for developing these groups?

12)   At some point in your career, you may be asked to design and implement a group for involuntary clients, perhaps domestic violence perpetrators, drunk drivers, abusive parents, or prison inmates. What are your thoughts and feelings about working with mandated group participants? Describe fully. How would you approach counseling differently with them than with voluntary participants?