Select a neurological, psychological, or neurodevelopmental disorder

Select a neurological, psychological, or neurodevelopmental disorder

Select a neurological, psychological, or neurodevelopmental disorder.

Write a 2,450- to 3,500-word paper comparing and contrasting three therapeutic interventions used to treat this disorder. Compare measures of effectiveness, such as validity, efficacy, symptom and behavior management, and recidivism. One therapy should be cognitive in nature, one should be pharmacological in nature, and the third should be an alternative therapeutic treatment.

Identify common symptoms associated with your disorder and rates of symptom reduction or management as reported with the three treatments. Based on your research, what would be your approach to treating the condition? Identify which treatments you would use. Explain why.

Analyze the neurophysiological underpinnings of diseases and disorders.
Examine contemporary attitudes toward the three treatments you selected.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Include 7 to 10 peer-reviewed sources.


    • Use good grammar. This includes writing in complete sentences, using past tense instead of present tense when appropriate, using active verbs instead of passive ones, varying your vocabulary, and avoiding sexist language (i.e.–don’t use the generic “he” or talk about the history of man when you mean the history of humans or people). If you have taken an English composition class, bring those skills into your essay.
    • Write analytically, not descriptively. Do not just explain what happened, but also try to explain why it happened and why it is significant. Facts are important, but without interpretation they become meaningless.
    • I am not looking for any “correct” answers. Rather, it is more important that you are able to use the material to develop an argument supporting your viewpoint.
    • You will be rewarded for independent and original thought. Don’t be afraid to give your opinions and interpretations of the material (this is your thesis!). Be critical of your readings and the lectures. Look for new ways of approaching the material. When you disagree with an author’s views, say so.