Female Adolescent Health Care Needs – Health Discussion 2a

Female Adolescent Health Care Needs – Health Discussion 2a

Female Adolescent Health Care Needs – Health Discussion 2a

The female adolescent health care needs that you study this week have implications far beyond the individual level. They also are issues that require action on state and national levels, where legislators, policy makers, and health care leaders must make decisions on resource allocation. This week you are asked to step into a health psychology professional’s shoes and examine issues related to female adolescents present in specific U.S. states, as well as in the nation.

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To prepare for this Discussion, pretend that you have been asked to be on a committee examining the current health care needs of female adolescents in a particular state. If your last name begins with A–H, your assigned state is New York. If your last name begins with I–P, your assigned state is Arizona. If your last name begins with Q–Z, your assigned state is Oregon. Research your assigned state’s needs regarding female adolescents’ health issues on the Internet and in the Walden Library. Explore the cultural groups in the state and how female adolescent issues may differ among these groups.

With these thoughts in mind: Arizona

Disussion a description of the three health care needs that are most important for female adolescents in the state you were assigned. Justify, by percentage, how you would allocate resources for these needs (the percentage must add up to 100%). Then explain how the priority needs in the state you were assigned may be different from those nationally. Support your post with statistics and references.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Individual Needs Examples Essay Example

What is this unit about? The aim of this unit is to the aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills related to meeting individual needs. Knowledge and understanding of the needs of individuals is fundamental to delivering effective health and social care.

Assessment of the needs of individuals is necessary before a plan can be developed to meet their needs. In this unit learners will explore different needs in relation to MASLOWS hierarchy of needs and consider how needs may vary at different life stages. The unit requires learners to gather relevant information from an individual to enable identification of the general needs of an individual and to use the information from this assessment to develop a plan to improve the individual’s general health and wellbeing.

Scenario: you are a trainee health and social care support worker. You have been asked your supervisor to prepare a presentation detailing an action plan created by you for an individual that will help them to improve their overall health and well being.

Learning outcomes:

On completion of this unit a learner should:

  1. Know everyday needs of individuals.
  2. Understand factors that influence the health and needs of individuals.
  3. Be able to plan to meet the health and wellbeing needs of an individual.

Section 1: p1 outline the everyday needs of individuals

All human beings have needs. Some of these needs are universal but others vary according to life stag. According to Abraham Maslow, all individuals have five main hierarchy needs which are required for development and survival. This is shown in his hierarchy of needs.

All humans being have physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs (pies) that very across P.I.E.S.S

Physical needs: Physical aspects are all the needs we have to keep our bodies working as well as they can. Everyone’s bodies are different, there are certain we all share, such as good and nutritious food, clean water, shelter and an unpolluted environment to live in. sometimes we take part in activities which can be harmful to us physically, such as taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol excessively or not taking enough exercise. These damage our bodies so that our physical needs are not met.

Intellectual needs: this needs develop and keep our brains working as well as possible. They include mental activity and stimulation to keep us motivated and interested, rather than bored. Children meet their intellectual needs by constantly exploring and questioning the world around them. With intellectual achievements and learning throughout our lives to keep our brain active.

Emotional needs: emotional needs are met when we experience things that make us feel happy and wanted and give us a positive self-concept, such as affection, good relationships, fulfilment, love and respect. Emotional needs changes as we grow and develop. We need to be able to feel, express and recognise different emotions in order to cope with different situations that arise throughout our lives. Sometimes these emotions can be sad, such as grief after the death of a friend or relative.

Social needs: these are the aspect of our life that enables us to develop and enjoy good relationships and friendships with others. It is important that we have family and friends, and belong to groups or are part of a community, in order to have a sense of belonging and to feel that we are accepted.

Spiritual needs: spirituality means different things to different people. That will include religion or what providers a sense of personal meaning throughout your life. Spiritual needs are needs based on our personal beliefs and are unique to each of us.

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Needs in relation to life stages

Human have similar needs however needs are very even though at every single stage of life we have the same needs, (as shown in Maslow’s hierarchy). In order to develop positively, the way we fulfil these needs vary according to age. The information below is a summary of our P.I.E.S.S at different life stages.

Infants(0 to 3 years)

They like to be fed to have everything done for them. To have lots of sleep. Have toys and books help them to learn and develop their cross and fine motor.

Children(4 to 10)

On this age children are learning to be more independent so they need to have the opportunities to develop independence in all aspect of PIES needs. They are further developing their motor skills and will be playing with more advanced toys.

Adolescents(11 to 18)

It when you are usually going trough puberty and starting to change into an adult. Friendship needs become particularly important as you form more intimate relationships associated with your sexual and emotional development.

Adulthood(19 to 65)

Adulthood is the stage of life when most people start to feel that they understand and accept themselves and begin to feel more settled. Adults tend to spend a lot of time making decisions, such as where to live, who to live with, whether to get married and have children, what job to do. In any age group the importance of different health needs changes with time but, because the different stages of adulthood are longer, so adults have more varying needs.

Later adulthood (old age)

In this age peoples bodies gradually change and start to wear out little. They will have more needs as they get older, such as access to convenient health and leisure facilities. They can retire from work and their children have usually moved out so they can spend their days doing the things they have always to do, provided they remain healthy and have saved for retirement.