Assignment: Speech Perception

Assignment: Speech Perception

Assignment: Speech Perception

Discuss the reaction and action of the audience and speaker of speech perception.

Note: A very important aspect of this paper is that it must cover more than what is already covered in the course — textbook information summary and course review isn’t the goal — but rather it must expand on a topic related to the course. The topic can also not be too broad. An example of an appropriate topic might be a particular disorder of the olfactory system. A too broad topic would be “Perception and the Sense of Smell”. The latter is too general because it is one of the human sensory systems and something the course already covers. It is also much too broad because it covers an entire sensory system.

Finally, an exceedingly important aspect of this assignment and the others in the course is the rule prohibiting ANY type of copying. The certainly includes copying word-for-word, or with just a few words changed or rearranged, published material of any kind, and you also may not even quote for any assignment in the course. Concern the latter, your prof needs to see what you understand of what you have read rather than what you can copy and place inside quotation marks.

You must paraphrase (summarize in your own words) published materials and properly source credit published materials both in the post or paper body and in a list attached to the end per APA formatting rules. A first instance of ANY copying and/or failure to source credit, regardless of intent to do so or not, will result in an assignment score of zero with no option for revision and any additional instances will result in course failure.


Final Paper Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria/Points Possible

Mechanics- spelling, grammar, sentence structure, readability, flow/ 37.5 points

Presentation- organization, clarity of presentation, meets length requirement of ten pages (not including the cover page and references page), timeliness/ 37.5 points

Relevance- appropriateness of material covered to subject of perception/ 37.5 points

Integration of personal insight with paper concepts/ 150 points

Comprehensiveness- how completely the paper topic is covered/ 150 points

Citation- APA format for references, inclusion of at least two scholarly resources other than the text and required reading/ 37.5 points

This needs to be ten pass not including the reference page and the cover