SOCW 6090/6031 Discussions Complete Sample

SOCW 6090/6031 Discussions Complete Sample

SOCW 6090/6031 Discussions Complete Sample

Respond to at least two colleagues who selected a different article from the one you selected. Share any insights you gained from your colleagues’ posts.

Colleague 1: Whitney One important article that focuses on mental illness and culture is the article Community Attitudes Towards Culture-Influenced Mental illness: Scrupulosity vs. Nonreligious OCD among Orthodox Jews that was found through the Walden library (Pirutinskiy, Rosmarin, & Parament, 2009). The article focuses on how culture can influence a community’s attitude towards mental illness (Pirutinskiy, Rosmarin, & Parament, 2009).

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One specific culture the article focuses on is the Orthodox Jewish Community who has OCD (Pirutinskiy, Rosmarin, & Parament, 2009). This article also addresses how Orthodox Jews see their up bring through their culture as casual to their development involving their routines, rituals, and religions (Pirutinskiy, Rosmarin, & Parament, 2009). This then does not affect them as much as those who are from a different culture who are not brought up the same way and this would then affect them through the acculturation process (Pirutinskiy, Rosmarin, & Parament, 2009).

It’s important that social workers take in consideration in using the cultural formulation interview to apply cultural competence skills in working with the cultures such as the Orthodox Jews. A cultural formulation interview will focus on a framework that assess for an individual’s cultural features, mental health, and these relate to the individuals social and cultural context and history (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

The scholar will use the cultural formulation interview to assess and apply competence skills to each client’s case. The scholar would first asses the client with four categories that are included in a cultural formulation interview (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The scholar would first have the client describe their cultural identity such as their as their race, ethnic, or cultural influences (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Then continue to follow the assessment with the other three categories.

Then the scholar would use a set of 16 questions cultural formulation interview to obtain information of the clients mental health and by using this assessment it will identify the clients culture and how it has impacted the clients clinical presentations and care (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).Through this assessment it will assist the social worker and client in understanding how culture affects the individual.

Acculturation can affect each cultural client different involving their psychological and sociocultural aspects. Acculturation occurs and affects the individual’s psychological change when two cultures have contact involving cultural groups or cultural members (Berry, n.d.). An individuals experiencing acculturation can also experience behavioral repertoire due to the acculturation (Berry, n.d.).

This can then influence long-term psychological and socioculutral challenges such as sociocultural adoptions and migration (Berry, n.d.). The scholar would talk with each individual on how acculturation affects them and then assist these clients in understanding acculturation and setting up goals to help cope with o

Reference American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Berry, J. W. (n.d). Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. Pergamon Press – An Imprint of Elsevier Science. Pirutinsky, S., Rosmarin, D. H., & Pargament, K. I. (2009). Community attitudes towards culture-influenced mental illness: scrupulosity vs. nonreligious OCD among orthodox jews. Journal Of Community Psychology, 37(8), 949-958. doi:10.1002/jcop.20341 Colleague 2: Brooke

Mental illness is a prevalent, bleak reality in today’s society, with anxiety and mood disorders, comprising the majority of diagnosed cases (Corrigan, 2004). While there is often stigma attached to the term “mental illness,” for a variety of reasons, less common are cultural considerations accounted for when diagnosing and treating mental illness. Sellers, Ward and Pate (2006) examine depression as it affects Black African immigrant women.

Although this was a relatively small exploratory study, with only five participants, each woman reported depression to be a major health concern, adversely affecting their current daily living circumstances. This determination was made when four primary factors were considered, including perception, context, symptomatology and culturally supported coping strategies, gathered via an extensive interview process (Sellers, Ward and Pate, 2006). These factors all contributed to the subjects’ perceptions of effective, culturally sensitive treatment, further providing insight into sound social work interventions for this population.


SOCW 6090/6031 Discussions Complete Sample

The Cultural Formulation Interview, included in the DSM – IV, was designed to identify the impact culture has on both the treatment and potential outcomes of diverse individuals (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This 16 question assessment takes into account the perceptions of the patient, as well as the other contributing factors related to culture, that may adversely affect the delivery of effective treatment.

This interview would be utilized when working with an individual to gain information regarding their perceptions of their diagnosis, as well as their perceived treatment options (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Additionally, this interview would provide insight into the client’s support network, as well as their coping skills. Cultural factors will weigh on the client’s responses.

Acculturation, the complex process of gradually blending cultures, can potentially have significant effects on the individual who has undergone the process (Berry, 2005). The lens with which the person views this process can determine whether these effects are positive or negative. To expand, should the individual view the meshing of two cultures as a sign of losing his/ her original culture, there can potentially be psychological ramifications.

As a result sociocultural immersion can be compromised (Berry, 2005). On the contrary, should the individual see the initial benefits of acculturation, the process can be a positive experience, having positive psychological effects regarding the transition, further reinforcing the patient’s journey.

As a clinician working with individuals undergoing this process, it is vital to recognize the perceptions of the client, first and foremost. Perhaps the client is not choosing to mesh with a second culture, but feels pressured to do so. Validating the journey, therefore, becomes the responsibility of the social worker. Encouraging the client to journal their experiences, while becoming familiarized with the nuances of the secondary culture, would be an appropriate approach to employ.