Assignment: Psychology Paper Intro and Lit Review

Assignment: Psychology Paper Intro and Lit Review

Assignment: Psychology Paper Intro and Lit Review

To-Do List
” Continue to obtain, read, summarize, and evaluate relevant sources.
” Review feedback on first draft.
” Write your second draft.
” By class time on March 8th:
” Submit your draft to Turnitin Draft 2 in order to fix any problems before uploading it to Canvas.
” Submit draft to the Second Draft assignment link in the Canvas.
” Upload all sources (the actual articles) used in the second draft in the Sources assignment link in the Research Paper section of Canvas. If you read a source but are not using it in the paper, you do not need to upload it. Save each source as a pdf and name each one according to the author last name(s) and year (e.g., Baxter_Bosson_2006). If you do not have an electronic copy of a source, then you must turn in a paper copy.
” Seek feedback on your draft from either BrainFuse or a writing tutor in the CTL.

Second Draft-General Information
” In the second draft, you will make any necessary revisions to your Introduction section and to add the literature review sections (of your relevant sub-disciplines) to your research paper.
” All content in your second draft should either be in your own words (preferred) or in quotation marks with page numbers provided. Keeping plagiarism out of your draft is an important step in keeping it out of your final paper.
” Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Be sure to schedule regular times to write and hold yourself to keeping this schedule.


Format of Second Draft (+ Tips)
” Include Title Page, Revised Introduction, Literature Review Section (of sub-discipline A, sub-discipline B, and the integration of A and B), and References. Note that if you have more than 2 sub-disciplines, then you should review the relevant literature for each sub-discipline in your Literature Review section.
” Write at least 10-12 pages (of text), which is about 3600 words, and include at least 10-12 sources.
” Follow APA Style and avoid ALL forms of Plagiarism.
” Follow these Second Draft Guidelines carefully.

Content of Second Draft – Literature Review Section

In the literature review section of your second draft, develop the following sections of your outline. Note that the following is a suggested structure for this section of your paper. You may find that a different structure works better for your material. Feel free to discuss this further with me in person.

II. Sub-Discipline A
A. Review relevant literature in sub-discipline A (use a thematic structure, rather than an article-by-article structure).
B. Define relevant terms (where appropriate).
C. Critique literature in this section (as you are discussing it).
D. Summarize main themes in this section.

III. Sub-Discipline B
A. Review relevant literature in sub-discipline B (use a thematic structure, rather than an article-by-article structure).
B. Define relevant terms (where appropriate).
C. Critique literature in this section (as you are discussing it).
D. Summarize main themes in this section.

<repeat as necessary for 3rd sub-discipline>

IV. Integration of Sub-Disciplines A and B (and C, if relevant)
A. Discuss the themes that have emerged (what you have learned) from integrating the material from A and B, focusing on what is relevant for the proposal section of your paper.
B. Describe any inconsistencies and gaps in the two literatures. Use this description to make a case for the uniqueness/necessity of your proposed social program or applied research project

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