Week 6 Program Proposal Final Paper – PSY605

Week 6 Program Proposal Final Paper – PSY605

Week 6 Program Proposal Final Paper – PSY605

Week 6 – Program Proposal

Program Proposal

The final assignment in this course is a written Program Proposal. A program proposal is a document demonstrating an intent to create a clinical, educational, or community project. The Program Proposal will define a contemporary problem or issue and propose a potential solution for a contemporary issue in a manner that will persuade experts and decision makers to support the proposal. Within the proposal, developmental theory and research will be applied to policy, community agency, and major themes of development. A specific program, intended to provide individual or group services to address an identified area of need, will be introduced and outlined.

Beginning the Proposal Process

Choose an area of interest. Students will choose a general track and define a specific issue within the track that is of interest to them and presents a contemporary problem to be solved. Please see the Program Proposal Tracks and Topics in Developmental Psychology document to view the tracks (Community, Clinical/Counseling, and Education) and suggested issues within each track for the proposal. Once the track and issue have been chosen, specific criteria will need to be identified.

Identify the target population. Regardless of the track and issue chosen, a target population must be identified for the proposal. Identify the target population associated with the chosen issue. Within the target population, choose the developmental stage that will act as the focus for the proposal. Many programs may directly and/or indirectly influence people in different stages; however, it is important to select the stage that is most applicable to the specific program being proposed. For example, in a program for adults who are caring for their elderly parents, the focus is on the adults (likely in middle adulthood) so a middle adulthood focus would be most appropriate for that program.

Identify the geographic location where the program will be deployed. Programming will be directly influenced by the location in which it will take place. For example, a child safety program in a rural farming community will likely have different objectives and needs than a child safety program in a large metropolitan city.


Research a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles on the chosen issue in the Ashford University Library. All sources utilized for the Program Proposal must have been published within the last 10 years.

Creating the Program Proposal

Program proposals take on many forms and styles. Creativity is encouraged because it not only tests the boundaries of what is possible for solutions to various issues, but also typically increases the chances for funding. Regardless of the issue being addressed, the Program Proposal must incorporate the following headings (noted in bold) and include the supporting information that is detailed beneath each heading.

Proposal Summary

Under this heading, provide a summary paragraph that presents the program, its objectives, and how the program will address an area of need in the identified geographic location and issue of interest.

  • Identify the target population and developmental stage of the population, as well as the intended program track. (These will be elaborated upon further in the Program Narrative and Procedures section of the proposal.)


  • Identify the geographic location for the program and the specific needs within that location. (These will be elaborated upon further in the Program Narrative and Procedures section of the proposal.)


  • Create a purpose statement that applies developmental theory and research to policy and community.