Sexuality Discussion: Automatic Preference

Sexuality Discussion: Automatic Preference

Sexuality Discussion: Automatic Preference

My IAT results were that I have a slightly automatic preference to Gay People over Straight people, I believe my results are pretty accurate. I like to believe in equality that everyone deserves and should be treated as equal no matter who they identify as, who they love, what religion they are etc.

Interview somebody of preference to straight people and answer the following question…

For this discussion assignment you will need to interview at least one member of the selected ‘out-group.’ In this case, the ‘out-group’ is the sexuality that your results indicated implicit bias toward. You must ask your interviewees the same set of questions (below). You must conduct your interviews in a respectful manner. During the interview, make sure you listen and think before you speak, imagine that a camera is recording your actions (would the recording portray you as humble, respectful, and empathetic?), and project kindness onto your interviewee. You will NOT submit the full Q&A as part of the discussion assignment.

  1. What does it mean to you to be a member of this group?
  2. When and how did you become aware of your membership in this group?
  3. Do you believe there are stereotypes associated with your group? If so, what are these stereotypes, and when did you become aware of them?
  4. Have you been personally affected by prejudice, racism, discrimination, or bias as a result of being a member of this group?
  5. What suggestions can you offer to encourage mutual respect among various groups?
  6. What would you like others to know about being a member of your group?


After conducting your interviews, discuss the following. Keep in mind your IAT results related to sexuality from last week:

  1. What did you learn about your biases in this area from the interviews you conducted?
  2. What else can you do to help reduce and/or eliminate any biases you may have?

Must be atleast 500 Word count