Assignment: Ethically Sound Psychological Assessment

Assignment: Ethically Sound Psychological Assessment

Assignment: Ethically Sound Psychological Assessment

Assessment in psychological research and practice is fraught with ethical issues. Psychology professionals must be well-versed in the legal, cultural, and social-emotional implications of the assessment instruments they choose and the assessment practices they use.

Consider the assessment and data collection approaches available for a topic you may want to study (e.g., interviews, paper-and-pencil assessments, surveys, online questionnaires, observation methods).

Research at least two articles from credible online sources on possible assessment instruments and practices that relate to your chosen topic.

Use 250 words to describe an assessment that you might use in your research. Describe

  1. Two ethical issues that might be most relevant to the assessment and data collection approaches you are considering for your study, and explain why.Click here to access a PDF of an example of a brochure. Use Microsoft Word, or another word processing program to create a three-column brochure in landscape orientation. Microsoft Word provides several brochure templates you can
    use, or you can create your own.

Your project must include a reference list. You must use your textbook and one additional source in your brochure. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted material must have citations as well.

Be creative in your response.


NOTE: Although you are welcome to state your personal opinion on this topic, please design your brochure using the
information covered in this unit.

2. Based on these issues, explain properties that might affect the ethical soundness of assessment instruments and practices used in your study.