Textbook: Woolfolk, A. (2013).聽Educational Psychology聽(13th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Even though I could give you a rubric, let me tell you what I expect. For most answers, they deserve a paragraph. That means a topic sentence and several support sentences. Correct spelling and grammar is expected for professionals. I do not need a lot of quantity but some thought and quality would be appreciated. Make sure to follow the directions. As always, if you turn this in on time but make mistakes, you can get the chance to fix it up after I give you feedback. But let鈥檚 save us all time and try to do well the first time if you can . If you have any questions please ask.

1.聽Lectures (4 points):聽Did you read the lectures? Click on the links? Watch the videos? This is where you get rewarded. You can write you answers or draw a picture or clip art or a video or a poem or animation or however you want to let me know you learned the following:

a. Learning Styles: Show me 2 ideas you learned about learning styles. Relate it to what was written on this topic in your textbook. Then write a couple sentence reflection on how this will help you in life and with your future job.

b. Diversity: Show me 2 ideas you learned about diversity. Relate it to what was written on this topic in your textbook. Then write a couple sentence reflection on how this will help you in life and with your future job.

c. Language: Show me 2 ideas you learned about language. Relate it to what was written on this topic in your textbook. Then write a couple sentence reflection on how this will help you in life and with your future job.

d. Disabilities: Show me 2 ideas you learned about Disabilities. Relate it to what was written on this topic in your textbook. Then write a couple sentence reflection on how this will help you in life and with your future job.


2. Case Study (3 points):聽Write a case study for yourself to use to answer the following questions. It can describe a teaching situation you previously were in, currently are experiencing or can imagine as a hypothetical situation you will find yourself in one day. It can be teaching in a school setting or it can be teaching in another setting such as in a business meeting or when personal training or when giving therapy. Even a sales pitch can work! Please choose whatever fits your future aspirations since there is some sort of teaching in all occupations. Make sure to describe the setting, the students or participants, their ages and what you are teaching/selling/doing.

a. So what stage are the students or participants in according to Piaget? Describe the stage and let me know what that means about how you teach.

b. So what stage are the students or participants in according to Erikson? Describe the stage and let me know what that means about how you teach.

c. What is their zone of proximal development according to Vygotsky? Describe Vygotsky鈥檚 theory and how it pertains to the teaching/therapy/selling you are doing.

3. Functional Behavioral Assessment (ABC) (3 points):聽Observe a class or work situation for 15 minutes. Focus on one person who has noticeable behavior. Complete an ABC chart briefly describing the antecedents, behaviors and consequences of the person鈥檚 behavior. Using the information from the text, What is the function of the person鈥檚 behavior? Examples and descriptions of FBA are on page 274-275. Is it in response to an antecedent or occurring due to the consequence received? If you step back and really look at what is happening before and after most behaviors, you can better able figure out why it is happening, and more likely to be able to increase or decrease the behavior.

路聽Observe 15 minutes

路聽Fill out the chart or make your own

路聽Reflect on what you believe is the function of the person鈥檚 behavior.

ABC Analysis




4. Goals (2 points): Describe the goal you set for yourself the first week of class. It can be the one you wrote for me or a new one. It can be related to this class or anything else in your life. You can try to quit smoking or get your significant other to take out the trash. All behavior is learned so anything you choose will be fine. You need to learn something new or try to change a behavior by the final. Describe the situation and analyze the situations. Then try different techniques in the book such as behavioral or cognitive strategies to see if you can meet your goal. This will be a question on the final so please give it some thought and work on it and collect evidence for it over the next several weeks.

路 What is my individual project?

路 Why is this an important area in which to improve? What has this (problem) cost me?

路 How will my life be different when I accomplish this goal (now, 2 years from now, 10 years from now)?

路 Why have I not done this successfully before?

路 What techniques have I used to accomplish my goal?