Developmental psychology: Middle childhood

Developmental psychology: Middle childhood

Developmental psychology: Middle childhood

Developmental psychology seeks to address various aspects of human development, including physical, cognitive, social, moral, and personality development.

Sometimes, a theory or paradigm can be thought of as a lens through which a topic is examined. Theories or paradigm shifts may cast other ways of thinking aside, or they may layer upon one another. In the case of Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, whose ideas still “permeate research on cognitive development that his influence typically is not even noticed or acknowledged,” he is still very much a giant in the field, frequently even known by laypersons with only a glancing knowledge of cognitive development (Miller, 2010). Subsequent research has applied, tested, and supplemented Piaget’s theory, particularly his concept of stages of development and related questions about domain-specific and general knowledge or quantitative and qualitative cognitive changes, to name just a few threads of inquiry.

Work continues on testing, refining, and finding new applications for Piagetian theory, and scientists often implement larger sample sizes and more technologically advanced methods than Piaget used or had available to him. For this Assignment, you examine some children’s behavior much the same way that Piaget might have done, using a small sample and carefully observing the behavior demonstrated. You will then justify how Piaget would have explained the behavior.


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing the influences on physical and cognitive development.

Topic: Middle childhood: from 6-12 years

Address the following in relation to the selected stage:

  • What factors affect physical development? Consider hereditary and environmental influences. Provide examples.
  • What factors affect cognitive development? Consider hereditary and environmental influences. Provide examples.
  • What factors affect social, moral, and personality development? Describe the factors by explaining at least two theoretical perspectives associated with social, moral, and personality development.

Include at least two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.