A piece of a group assignment

A piece of a group assignment

A piece of a group assignment

Conduct an open dialogue …about each team member’s threshold for auditory stimuli. How do you fare in noisy environments as you try to discriminate a certain auditory input? Is it easier to block background noise in a library versus attendance at a concert? How can you apply the difference threshold and absolute threshold to your very own experiences?

What about those with children, what impact does this have as an emotional attachment, i.e. trying to do school work and you hear your child(ren) from the other room needing your attention? …compare the experiences and comfort levels of each team member with dichotic listening, or the “cocktail party” phenomenon. If engaged in conversation at a party, are you able to tune in to someone across the room who says your name? Perhaps right next to you?

[And still maintain your current conversation] How do you fare with multitasking? For my parents in the class; how do you attend to your child who may be misbehaving in public and maintain awareness of your surroundings? For those who attend social gatherings, concerts, other venues with many people: How do you process direct sounds versus reflective sounds? …discuss how dividing attention facilitates or impedes each team member’s learning.

Do you work better with background noise? Does this increase focus on a particular task? Must it be completely silent to engage in a task of importance? Does this phenomena relate to motivation, somehow? ****Identify and articulate what you see as the sensory perception problem involved*** While interacting with team members, what specific type of interaction is taking place? In other words, how do you and fellow team members communicate objectives?


What are some problems that arise from these experiences that may shape a team members’ perception? What influences perception? Why would this have any bearing on the team communication processes? As you formulate the ground rules, be sure to address the key components addressed above and provide measures to accommodate each member’s differences. I want each team member’s unique experience exposed as it relates to the objectives, but to also determine a means that satisfies the team’s overall success. What recommendations are plausible in accommodating the auditory sensation, perception, and attention for learning in your team’s success?