Middle Childhood and Counseling Specializations

Middle Childhood and Counseling Specializations

Middle Childhood and Counseling Specializations

The purpose of this discussion is to consider how different specializations within counseling might address issues of school-age development. Use the readings in this unit, along with the ones you found in your own independent research, to help you think through and write about these issues.

For your initial post, choose one of the cases below and address the following in relation to that case:

Identify the challenges that the student, family, or individual client may be experiencing, based on your specialization.

Identify any psychosocial conflicts that may be present and the transitions related to middle childhood that may be considered.

Choose one theory of personality development and explain how that theory helps you understand this student’s behavior.

Describe specific ways of helping the student, family, or individual client from your professional perspective.

Tracy, 10-Year-Old Student

Tracy is a 10-year-old student who is heavily influenced by his parents regarding his academic activities. The pressure that he is receiving at home has caused him to withdraw from all pleasurable activities at school, including his passion for writing, arithmetic, and friends. He was once an A student but now is maintaining a C average. He has disengaged from regular activities and sits alone when he is not required to participate in group activities. It is known that the family has had some major stressors last year that has resulted in Tracy’s parents contemplating divorce.


Sonia, 9-Year-Old Student

Sonia is 9 years old, and she reports feeling lonely all the time. She seems to be isolated from her peers and reports feeling different from everyone around her. She says that she does not like the feeling of being vulnerable and has a hard time opening up to others. She reports hating school and only wants to stay at home with her mother. She cries every morning when her mother gets her ready for school. She will also cry each time the teacher indicates that the next upcoming subject is math. Sonia’s parents are concerned for their daughter and are unable to ask for assistance because of a language barrier.