Assignment: Unite Plan

Assignment: Unite Plan

Assignment: Unite Plan

Morning Activity| After each child has checked in for the day helps each child draw a picture of their school. Provide markers, paper, and encourage discussions about school as the children create their works of art. Have them tell you their favorite activity to do at school; write it on the picture for them| Markers and Paper| Morning Circle Time| Welcome: Sing Good morning from circle time sing along flip chart. Go over Circle time rules.

Look at sign in chart and talk about who is here and who is absent Calendar: put markers on yesterday, today, and tomorrow and sing the “Today is
” song, also point out the year and the month. Weather: Talk about what the season is mark the weather on the weather chart. Helpers: Appoint helpers of the day. Letter Song: Review Annie Apple, Benjamin Bunny and Copper the Cat. Color song: Yellow Shape Rhyme: “Ricky Rectangle” shows poster that has the rhyme and pictures on it. Theme Discussion: Talk to the children about some of the things we do at school. Sing: Here at school.

These are all my special friends, Special friends, specials friends these are all my special friends, here at school. We play together every day Every day, every day We play together every day Here at school We sing together every day Every day, every day We sing together every day Here at school We eat together every day Every day, every day We eat together every day Here at school We run (action) together every day Every day, every day We skip (action) together every day Here at school Continue to make up activities that friends do together at school then end with the first verse.

Transition: Let the children hop to centers.

| | Outside Play| Bring bells outside and encourage the children to continue ringing them.

| | Small Groups| Make poster board or tag board schoolhouse cutouts. Invite children to decorate their school houses by painting them or using markers, crayons, or other art materials. When they are finished, be sure to display the school houses at the children’s eye level.

| | Art Center| Encourage the children to decorate bell cutouts with glue and confetti.

| | Science/ Sensory Center| Explain to the children that one of the things that they do at school is make discoveries. Explain that making a discovery is finding out something that you did not know before.

Tell the children that they are going to do an experiment and make a discovery. Partially fill clear plastic containers with water. Have the children add food coloring to each container. Then have the children place celery stalks and/or white carnations in the water. Note: If using celery, cut off part of the bottom before placing it in the container. Tell the children that they will be observing the celery or carnation to see if any changes take place.

As a group or individually make a picture account of what the experiment looks like now. Continue observing and guide the children to discovering the change of color in the celery/ carnations

Assignment: Unite Plan

| | Writing Center| Provide supplies for the children to make an “All About My School” book during the week. Include construction paper, markers, and magazine cut outs of school supplies, glue sticks and crayons. Have children tell you about their school and dictate for them. Guide children through discussion to make all the parts of a book: cover, title page, author, illustrator, page numbers, and about the author section.

| | Book Center| Add books about school to the book center, As you read with the children this week; ask them to compare their classroom to the classrooms in the books. Also as you are reading point out the different parts of books and practice pointing at words going from left to right. After reading a story, see if the children can retell you the story in sequence with and without looking at the pictures.

| | Dramatic Play Center| Transform the dramatic play center into a miniature version of the circle time area of the classroom. Provide stuffed animal students and props so that children can recreate circle time and take turns being the teacher.

| | Block Center| Suggest that students use the blocks to build a school. Can they build one just like the school they go to now? Provide school tools from the Language area, tag board school house cut outs, or bells from Music/ Movement area for the children to use.

| | Math/ Manipulative Center| Prepare a File folder game. Draw several schoolhouse patterns with whatever concepts you want to reinforce, such as colors, shapes, numbers, or letters inside the folder. Make boy and girl cut outs with matching concepts. Invite the children to match the children to the appropriate schoolhouses.

| | Music| Provide a variety of bells allow the children to experiment with the sounds made by different bells. Encourage the children to discuss their findings. Note: If hand bells aren’t available, ring a large bell to demonstrate, and supply the children with large jingle bells to shake. Caution: Small jingle bells are a choking hazard! Only use the extra large jingle bells in the classroom. Attach the jingle bells to elastic bands, and let children wear them as bracelets for added (and safer!) fun.

| | Bible Circle Time| Pledge Theme Discussion: Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Explain what the Scripture means to them. “All Scripture” means every verse in the Bible. “God-breathed” means that God spoke every word to men. The authors wrote down what God told them to write down. “Useful for teaching” means every word in the Bible helps us to learn His ways and teaches us what to do. “Rebuking” means to show us the mistakes we are making.

“Correcting and training” means each verse helps us to change and learn new behaviors. “In righteousness” means goodness and right ways. “So that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” means that the Bible helps the people that love God stay ready and available to serve God in every good work. Transition: Sing Wibbly Wobbly Woo and discuss words that rhyme as the children line up to wash hands for lunch.

Assignment: Unite Plan

| | Large Group/ Story Time| Ring a bell to gather the children to circle. Once everyone has gathered, explained to the children that long ago teachers would ring a bell to signal the children to come to school. Pass the bell around the circle and invite the children to ring it one time and then pass it to the child sitting next to him or her. Once the bell had been passed around the circle, have each child act out a favorite school activity. Encourage the other children to guess the action. Teach the children a new finger play.

Have the children fold their hands together with their fingers interlocked and recite the following verse: “This is my school” This is my schools where I have fun (interlocked hands) these are my friends; count them, everyone! (Open hands and wiggle fingers.) We sing and we count. We worked and we play. We learn something new, every day. Repeat the first verse and end by counting all the friends in the class.


Learning Strand| Description| Materials Needed|

Morning Activity| Show the children the xylophone. Discuss what shape we are learning this week. Since we are learning about the shape of a rectangle, we are going to use the rectangles to make our own xylophones. Discuss the length of the rectangles how there are 2 long sides and 2 short sides.

| | Morning Circle Time| Welcome: Sing Good morning from circle time sing along flip chart. Go over Circle time rules. Look at sign in chart and talk about who is here and who is absent Calendar: put markers on yesterday, today, and tomorrow and sing the “Today is
” song, also point out the year and the month. Weather: Talk about what the season is mark the weather on the weather chart. Helpers: Appoint helpers of the day. Letter Song: Review Annie Apple, Benjamin Bunny and Copper the Cat. Color song: Yellow Shape Rhyme: “Ricky Rectangle” shows poster that has the rhyme and pictures on it.

Theme Discussion: Bring back the “My favorite things About School” chart you started yesterday. What were some of the things that the children listed on the chart? Is Bible Time listed as a favorite? Keep adding to the chart and draw or add pictures you have cut from magazines or toy catalogs. Then, teach the children a song to the tune of “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush,” using the items of the chart to guide your song. This is the way we color at school, Color at school, color at school. This is the way we color at school, Each and every morning! Substitute a different activity each time you sing a verse.

| | Outside Play| What has the children named on the chart as their favorite outside activities? Be sure to play the games they have chosen as their favorites or bring out props they enjoy such as bubble solution, plastic toy hoops or balls. Encourage large muscle development as they enjoy their favorite things to do outside today.

| | Small Groups| Set up your flannel board and provide the children with felt school supplies. Note: If you don’t have felt pieces, cut out pictures of school supplies cover them with contact paper and add a hook and look fastening tape strings on the back to use with your flannel board. Invite the children to name each piece as they place it on the flannel board.

| | Art Center| Encourage the children to stamp print with tempera paint and sponges in school shapes. Help foster language development and increase cognitive skills by asking the children open ended questions such as “What shapes do the sponges make?


Assignment: Unite Plan

| | Science/ Sensory Center| Place a variety of school objects in the science center along with two containers. Have the children sort by whether they are hard or soft. Encourage them to test for floating and sinking in the water table or a tub of water.

| | Writing Center| Help children continue to make “My favorite things at School” book during the week. Include construction paper, markers, and magazine cutouts of activities, glue sticks and crayons.

| | Book Center| Add books about school to the book center. Encourage children to read “school stories” to the stuffed animals who have never been to school before.

| | Dramatic Play Center| Continue circle time play by adding doll “students” a chalkboard, and chalk.

| | Block Center| Encourage the students to add a model of the playground to the school they have been building. Guide them to include a slide by propping up a piece of poster board at a slant on top of several blocks. Encourage them to let smaller blocks and stuffed animals slide down.

| | Math/ Manipulative Center| M