PHI 210: Critical Thinking Week 7 Discussion

PHI 210: Critical Thinking Week 7 Discussion

PHI 210: Critical Thinking Week 7 Discussion

“Problem Solving Interview Question”

Imagine you are interviewing for a job you really want.

The interviewer asks you the following question: “Explain a specific example in which you used critical thinking/problem solving strategies to solve a problem in the real world.”

· What is your answer to the question?

· Choose one classmate’s own response to the interviewer’s question. If you are a job coach, what suggestions would you make to maximize your classmate’s answer to the interview question? (SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE)


NOTE: All students are required to post a minimum of two (2) posts per online discussion thread. Students must have one (1) original post and a minimum of one (1) other post per discussion thread.

Class Mate response:

Sophia Johnson-Bentley

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Greetings Professor and Classmates

Two years ago, I created a volunteer project to make 100 “blessing bags” to assist a few of the young homeless that reside on the streets of Center City Philadelphia. I recruited some of my family and friends as volunteers to fill the bags which at first included:  2 pairs of clean white socks, 2 bottled waters, various snacks and a small list of emergency service contacts. As the lead coordinator it was my job to know where the homeless teens were located and to do a head count.

Three days before the giveaway I traveled downtown to get an approximate number of homeless youths that hung out in a certain area. This day I saw a few, a week before I had seen at least fifty. They crowd had moved to another location (They keep moving due to law enforcement, shop owners and human services).  My dilemma was: I can’t ask homeless people a bunch of questions, especially teens. They don’t trust easily. I had to quickly find the new location where many are grouped together. If I didn’t, I may lose volunteers and lose the opportunity to help the community I care for, due to they are always on the move.

The next day my husband and I got in the car to look for where this young group had relocated. After looking for approximately an hour we found the group I was familiar with. I did a rough count while sitting in the car.  Once I got out the vehicle, I approached a young homeless man I knew, told him that I would be back and to tell the rest. With the extra time we collected a few slightly used blankets and coats, instant cocoa and soup mix, granola bars and hand sanitizers to add along with the blessing bags. The day of the give away turned out beautiful. We gave away everything we had. It was enough. That’s what matters.


I got the “blessing bag” idea from a creative site called Pinterest. Join the site and type ‘blessing bags’ in the search. It’s free!

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