Wide World of Psychology Paper

This is an individual assignment. You should not be working in groups.

Please select a  topic in psychology that interests you.  (Topic ideas are listed below;  however, you are not limited to these topics.)  How might diversity  affect the understanding of your chosen topic?  Choose three  lenses of diversity (examples below) from which to consider your  topic.  For example, if you choose a particular psychological disorder,  how would age be a factor for the disorder?  How would gender or  socioeconomic status intersect with the development, diagnosis, or  treatment of the disorder?

You will write an APA-style paper that considers your topic through three lenses of diversity.  It will follow this layout:

  1. Introduction:  Your introduction should include some brief background on a) your  chosen topic that sets the context for your paper, and b) the diversity  lenses you intend to use to explore your topic.  Additionally, your  introduction must include a purpose or thesis statement. (One paragraph)
  2. Review  of the literature: The literature review occurs when you review the  research (or literature) that has already been conducted and written on  your chosen topic through the three lenses of diversity you selected.   In this section, please report the major findings from the research  articles that you found.   (One page per research article) 
  3. Analysis  and discussion: In this section, you will make connections between the  literature you reviewed.  Please consider the following:
    • When  reviewing research for a paper, it is important for the researcher to  consider the implications of his or her findings.  Imagine that your  paper will inform the practice of psychologists, therapists, or other  mental health professionals.  Based on what you learned through your  research, how do you believe your findings should influence the ethical  principles that guide standards of behavior and conduct within the field  of psychology?  Please offer at least one specific example. (One paragraph)
    • What does the research say about your topic and lens of diversity you selected? (One paragraph)
    • How  do the intersections between these lenses of diversity help you better  understand the topic? For example, assume that your topic is depression,  and two of the lenses that you selected are race and gender. What  intersections between  these lenses are important in understanding depression? Is depression  (diagnosis, course of the disease, and/or treatment) different for an African American males than an Asian American female?  (1/2 page to 1 page)

4. Conclusion:  The final section should include  a conclusion that ties your paper together. State how your paper has  fulfilled the intended purpose identified in your thesis statement. (One paragraph)

When writing this paper, please incorporate a minimum of five academically sound sources.  Of these five, at least three  must be from credible websites. Your paper should include both in-text  citations and a full reference list at the end of your paper.

To adequately  cover your topic, your paper should be 5-6 pages typed in Times New  Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced with one inch margins.  The title page  and references page are not included in the page count. Make sure that you use the grading rubric to guide how you write this paper.

Your paper  should have an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement,  which sets the foundation for the rest of the paper and helps the reader  know what to expect.  Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence  that ties back to the thesis statement.  Additionally, each body  paragraph should support the thesis statement.  Finally, a conclusion  paragraph will allow you to tie together the main concepts of your paper  and once again connect the thesis to the supporting points.  Please  write a paper that reflects correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.   Your ideas are important, and too many errors make it difficult for the  reader to understand what you are sharing about your topic.

While you may  include direct quotations as appropriate, please write the paper in your  own words, giving credit to others’ ideas by using correct citation  format.  The majority of your paper should be your ideas and in your own  words.  Your audience wants to read the connections you have made based on the sources you reviewed.


Topics & Diversity Lenses


Examples of Possible Topics:

  1. Sleep and dreaming
  2. Intelligence
  3. Achievement motivation
  4. Emotions
  5. Personality
  6. Stress
  7. Psychological disorders (e.g. Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, etc.)