In 1949, philosopher Simone de Beauvoir wrote the foundational, philosophical, feminist text, The Second Sex, in which she analyzes the roles of men and women, and determines that gender roles limit our opportunities to be free agents. These roles demote women to an inferior status and encourage women’s propensity toward self-sacrifice. This activity aligns with module outcomes 2 and 4.

Today, researchers are still undecided about just how much difference gender makes on ethical decisions and moral reasoning. Some scholars believe that any gender differences are simply a matter of socialization. Some feminists worry that delineating male and female ethics might encourage more gender stereotypes, and lead to the evaluation of one ethical approach as superior to the other.

Discussion Question

Prepare for this discussion by completing your readings and viewings. Then respond to the following:

  • Given your readings from the textbook or your own familiarity with these characters, to what extent do you think Bella Swan from Twilight or Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games are operating within a feminist ethical framework? Are they free agents?
  • Regardless of your own particular gender, is there anything about the ethical decisions of these female characters, Katniss or Bella, that reflects your own perspective and values?

Evaluation Criteria

Initial Discussion Post

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA style formatting. You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly.