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It is clear from the material in this course that descriptive and inferential statistics play a critical role in research in the behavioral and social sciences. Since you will further your education via coursework and application in your respective fields, it is important to reflect on the knowledge you have gained and its applicability to your future in your chosen profession. Utilizing all that you have learned and been exposed to in this course, write a paper or presentation providing an overview of your knowledge of basic and inferential statistics, specifically discussing how you would go about deciding upon the appropriate statistical tests to use for a study.
Include the following in your assignment:
The format for this presentation can take the form of a paper. The paper should be a minimum of 2100 to 2800 words long (excluding title and references pages) and include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page. APA formatting should be used for the paper. Utilize at least four resources for this paper, which should be cited accordingly. You can use PowerPoint, video presentation with visual aids, or other format preapproved by the instructor.
Point Value: 15 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3
1. How does the employees’ motivation affect the organization Productivity?
In this research there are two main variables that is independent variable which in this case are the motivational factors to employees which include favorable working environment, compensation strategy, business culture and the management strategy. The dependent variable in this study is the organization productivity. The best effective scale for measuring these variables is ordinal scale basically because some variables have more impacts than the others.