PAPER #1.Choose

PAPER #1.Choose an area of psychology covered during the course that is of interest to you or in which you already work, such as developmental, cognitive, neuroscience, et cetera. You will be describing the historical progression of this particular area of psychology. How did it develop as a specialized area of psychology? You will then be illustrating how this area of psychology has both been influenced by social or political events, as well as has influenced social or political events.

To get an idea of the many specializations to choose from, visit the American Psychological Associations divisions (linked in the Resources).

To see an overview of the 56 divisions by topic or number, click Browse Divisions by Topic or Number under Quick Links.

· You can use information from APA’s Web sites as a professional source for your paper. Note that the information on the Web site does not qualify as a scholarly source.

In a well-written 4–5 page scholarly paper please address the following:

· Begin with a discussion of the historical progression of your chosen area of psychology. Describe how this area of psychology evolved into a specialization.

· For the body of your paper, provide discussion on the relationship between your chosen field in psychology and society through social and political influences. Within the context of your chosen field, your paper must address:

. How the particular area of psychology that you chose influences social and political events. Provide specific examples supported by your readings.

. How social and political events have influenced this area of psychology. Provide specific examples supported by your readings.

. How two areas in practice and research that apply to your chosen field in psychology affect society in a helpful and a harmful manner. For example, two areas you might focus on in cognitive psychology are the use of brain scanning technology and research in the area of attention processes. Use specific “real world” examples, and support your examples with information from your readings.

· Conclude your paper with a reflection on how and why knowledge of the history of psychology is necessary for those who want to work in your chosen field.

In addition to other professional sources, such as your textbook, use a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your ideas. Please note that popular websites are not acceptable sources of support.

As a mental health professional in the new era, consider how the appropriate application of statistical analysis can be used to understand real-world issues and issues in behavioral science, and to make informed decision making. As a mental health professional, you are expected to remain current on field research and to apply the new knowledge within your work.

PAPER #2.For this assignment, complete the following:

1. Select an area of interest within psychology.

2. Use the Capella library to locate one peer-reviewed journal article in your area of interest that uses interpretation of statistical analysis to study an issue that is important in individual, organizational, or social contexts. Select an article that uses quantitative (not qualitative) analyses to address an important individual, organizational, or social issue.

3. Write a 2–3-page paper in which you will provide a critical analysis of the article. The criteria that will be used to assess your paper are listed below. Follow the directions listed below each criterion.

Criterion 1: Explain an issue explored through quantitative research in a peer-reviewed journal article.

. In your words, explain the issue that the study was undertaken to address and why it is important in individual, organizational, or social contexts.

· Criterion 2: Evaluate research that proposes solutions based on interpretation of statistical analyses.

. Explain and evaluate the research methodology, including the following:

1. Relevance and clarity of the research questions and hypotheses.

1. Methods of sampling and gathering data.

1. Methods of statistical analyses.

. Evaluate areas of strength and areas of weakness in the study design and research process.

· Criterion 3: Assess conclusions based on interpretation and selection of supporting statistical analyses.

. Explain and evaluate how the statistical analyses support the conclusions, or if the support is not conclusive.

. Was the null hypothesis rejected or did the author (or authors) fail to reject the null hypothesis?

. Optional: Propose alternative experimental methods or hypotheses that could be used to investigate the study’s issue.

· Criterion 4: Write clearly and concisely, with correct spelling, grammar, and logical organization, and with respect for readers.

. Try to write in the clearest, most concise, and direct way.

. Check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and organization.

. Explain the meaning of statistical terms in plain language.