Interpersonnel Comm PPT short assignment 25

Interpersonal Communication Studies

Hybrid Class

PowerPoint Research Project 160 points rev. 2//2017


The purpose of this assignment is to further explore an area of interpersonal communication that interests

you. For this assignment, you will find a scholarly article about interpersonal communication, summarize

it, and relate it to our everyday interactions. PLEASE focus on an interpersonal communication topic that

interests you.

This assignment will be submitted electronically within CNM Learn. Please do not submit your

assignment using email, or the message system in CNM Learn.

Getting Started:

• Choose a topic related to interpersonal communication that interests you (look through your book to get ideas). Some topics include communication climate, conflict, interpersonal communication

competence, perceptions, identity, and nonverbal communication. There are many to choose from.

• View the online web tutorials found in CNM Learn to help you with conducting scholarly research, and with creating a Works Cited slide in APA format.

• Find and summarize ONE (1), scholarly journal article related to a pre-chosen topic related to interpersonal communication using the CNM library’s online search tool. Your article must be a

minimum of eight (8) pages long.

• A copy of your entire article must be attached to your submission when turning in your project (PDF format preferred).

• When searching for articles using the library’s search tool, be sure to check the checkbox that says Scholarly Articles. The results that appear in your search will be scholarly. Non-scholarly articles are

not acceptable for this assignment.

The PowerPoint File:

• Your PowerPoint file must be 15 to 18 slides long (including the title slide, What I Found Interesting slide, & the references/works cited slide).

• Please watch the quality of your writing, paying special attention to spelling and grammar. Don’t be afraid to use CNM’s free tutoring services.

• Instead of writing complete paragraphs, use four to six bullet pointed sentences per slide.

• You may include ONE image in your PowerPoint file. It may be a chart, graph, diagram, or relevant photograph. Beneath the image, provide a caption that explains its relevance to your topic.

• Include a title slide with your name and a title on it. Also include the name of your scholarly article on this slide.

• Summary: Create an eight (8) to (10) slide summary of your article. In other words, take what the author(s) said in the article, shorten it, and write it in your own words. If you had a very long article,

you may not be able to cover everything the author(s) covered, but focus on its most important


• Application: In four (4) to five (5) PowerPoint slides, explain how we can take material from your article (about your chosen topic) and apply it to our everyday lives. In other words, explain how

and/or why information from this article is important and/or useful. In the application section, be sure

to tie-in relevant/related content from the textbook. Be sure to cite the page number(s) from the book.

• Label the summary section of your PowerPoint with the title Summary above it. Label the application section of your PowerPoint file with the title Application above it.

• After the Application section, include a slide entitled What I Found Interesting. On that slide, include in three to five bullet pointed sentences about what you found particularly interesting while

working on this project, as it relates to interpersonal communication.

• Create a References/Works Cited slide on the last slide of your presentation in APA format (See video tutorial in CNM Learn for assistance). Be sure to cite your article and the textbook on this slide.

• An important aspect of this assignment is helping relate how content from your article can be applied to our lives.

• Please note that I do check to see that your sources are scholarly. ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE ALSO CHECKED FOR PLAGIARISM USING “DIRECT SUBMIT” PLAGIARISM


You may ask the instructor if you have questions about this assignment that are not covered in these


If you have any troubles using the library’s search took, please contact the library for assistance. Library

contact information:

Research Project Completion Checklist

– You summarized a scholarly article related to interpersonal communication (that is at least eight pages long), and have an electronic copy of the article ready to submit with your PowerPoint file.

– Your PowerPoint file has a title slide with your name, a title, and the title of your scholarly article on it.

– Your PowerPoint slide has two sections entitled Summary and Application. – Your PowerPoint file is 15 to 18 slides long (including counting the title slide, What I found

Interesting slide, & References/ Works Cited slide), with eight (8) to ten (10) slides dedicated to

summary, and four (4) to five (5) slides dedicated to application.

– After the application section, you include a What I Found Interesting slide that summarizes what you found interesting about interpersonal communication while working on this project.

– All information in the Summary and Application sections, and on the What I found Interesting slide are written in full sentences (but not in paragraphs).

– You carefully checked your project for spelling and grammar (Use CNM’s free tutoring services if necessary).

– Included a References/Works Cited slide in APA format (see videos for assistance). – You are submitting this assignment a day or two before the deadline to avoid any last minute

technical issues with your computer or with CNM Learn that may arise.

• Submitting Your Assignment: To submit your assignment, first select Start Here from the menu on the left. Then go into the folder labeled PowerPoint Research Project (Submit your assignment in this

folder). Next, click on the text that says PowerPoint Research Project (Click here to submit your

project). There you can attach and upload your PowerPoint file and scholarly article.

• Submitting this assignment late will incur a late penalty as indicated in the syllabus.

PowerPoint Research Project



Title slide

Includes student name, title, article title


Scholarly Article Is attached, at least 8 pages long, & is scholarly


Summary (8-10 slides) Quality/completeness of scholarly article summary


Application section (4-5 slides) Quality/completeness of application of article



Sentence construction/Grammar/

Slide formatting


What I Found Interesting slide 3-5 bullet-pointed statements, related to

interpersonal comm.


Works Cited slide (APA format)