PS490 Research Studies

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double?spaced; refer to the “Format Requirements? page for specific format requirements.

Submit the following:

1. The title of your topic.

2. One to two paragraphs describing the topic and the rationale for choosing the topic. Present a research question or thesis statement, along with one or two paragraphs describing the topic and the rationale for choosing the topic. Submit along with your preliminary resource list of at least 10 relevant resources (including titles and URLs).

3. Preliminary list of 10 relevant resources – include only titles and URLs.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


30 points 20 points 15 points 10 points

Student provides a clear,

logical description of a topic

selection related to the field

of Psychology.

Student provides a mostly

clear, logical description of

a topic selection related to

the field of Psychology.

Student provides a partially

clear, logical description of

a topic selection related to

the field of Psychology.

Student provides a weak or

unclear description of a

topic selection related to

the field of Psychology.

30 points 20 points 15 points 10 points

Student provides a clear,

logical description of the

topic and rationale for

choosing the topic, writing 1-

2 complete paragraphs.

Student provides a mostly

clear, logical description of

the topic and rationale for

choosing the topic, writing 1-

2 complete paragraphs.

Student provides a partially

clear, logical description of

the topic and rationale for

choosing the topic, writing 1-

2 complete paragraphs.

Student provides a weak or

unclear description of the

topic and rationale for

choosing the topic, writing

1-2 complete paragraphs.

20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points

Student provides at least 10

relevant resources, including

titles and URLs.

Student provides 7 to 9

relevant resources,

including titles and URLs.

Student provides 4 to 6

relevant resources, or does

not include titles and URLs.

Student provides less than

4 relevant resources, or

less than 6 relevant

resources without titles

and URLs.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

Student makes no errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 1-2 errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 3-4 errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes more than

4 errors in grammar or

spelling that distract the

reader from the content.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

The paper is written in

proper format. All sources

used for quotes and facts are

credible and cited correctly.

Excellent organization,

including a variety of

thoughtful transitions.

The paper is written in

proper format with only 1-2

errors. All sources used for

quotes and facts are credible

and most are cited correctly.

Adequate organization

includes a variety of

appropriate transitions.

The paper is written in

proper format with only 3-5

errors. Most sources used

for quotes and facts are

credible and cited correctly.

Essay is poorly organized,

but may include a few

effective transitions.

The paper is not written in

proper format. Many

sources used for quotes

and facts are less than

credible (suspect) and/or

are not cited correctly.

Essay is disorganized and

does not include effective


Topic Selection (30


Resources (20


Topic Rationale (30


Format – APA

Format, Citations,


Transitions (10


Mechanics –



Spelling (10 Points)