PSY 540 Short Presentation

PSY 540 Short Presentation Guidelines and Rubric Overview Twice during this course you will assume the role of a psychology professional in an applied setting and apply theories to suggest solutions to contemporary problems through a short presentation. The purpose of these presentations is to help you identify gaps in and propose improvements for professional disciplines based on the strengths and limitations of human cognitive systems while assessing foundational theories of cognitive psychology for their relevance to real-world issues. Short presentations should be approximately five minutes in length and should be directed towards someone with limited or no background knowledge of psychological concepts or terminology. Because of this, you will want to explain relevant terms and concepts as you work through your presentation. Be sure to identify the group your presentation is intended for as well as the group that will most benefit from your proposed strategies. Additionally, be sure to appropriately use professional terms and theories. Your presentation can use a platform of your choosing. Potential example platforms include:

• PowerPoint • Prezi • Jing • Webcam video recordings

For this assignment, you may submit a URL to your presentation or upload a video or PowerPoint presentation with either associated audio or the delivery script included in the notes section. For additional information about uploading video files, reference the Uploading a Video Assignment guide. If you have difficulty recording and submitting presentation files, reach out to the SNHU Help Desk for technical assistance at and contact your instructor.

Rubric Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more in formation,

review these instructions.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (85%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Setting and Audience Clearly identifies the specific applied setting and specific target audience for the presentation

Identifies the applied setting and target audience for the presentation, but the setting and audience lack specific detail

Does not identify the applied setting and target audience for the presentation


Theories Includes references to theories to support the presentation and directly connects them

to the applied setting

Includes references to theories to support the presentation, but does not directly

connect them to the applied setting, or theories are incorrectly applied

Does not include theories to support the presentation


Concepts and Terminology

Explains concepts and terminology using language appropriate for the identified setting and audience

Explains concepts and terminology, but does not use language appropriate for the setting and audience

Does not explain concepts and terminology 15

Application Suggests actionable steps to improve

cognitive function in the context of the setting and audience

Suggests steps to improve cognitive function

in the context of the setting and audience, but steps are unrealistic and not actionable

Does not suggest steps to improve cognitive

function in the context of the setting and audience


Delivery Uses supporting visual aids, appropriate sentence structure, and APA citations, as needed

Sentence structure, unrelated visual aids, and improper APA citations make the presentation difficult to follow

Does not provide a legible or audible response


Earned Total 100%