Human Subjects

  1. Open and read the Current Code:
  2. At the NU Library, research an academic article (i.e. peer-reviewed) of a scientific experiment with human subjects that would VIOLATE CURRENT APA ETHICAL STANDARDS
  3. Briefly summarize your experiment in a post. Include a summary of the study itself (topic, method, results) as well as why you think this study is unethical
  4. Now listen to the following podcast:
    • Trust engineers – MP3 (30.5 MB)
    • and discuss whether or not Facebook was conducting unethical research, and how you personally feel as a potential research subject
  5. Finally, be sure to respond to two other’s posts throughout the week

Your post should:

  • -Explain why your experiment would be considered unethical by today’s standards
  • -Maximum two pages
  • -Provide APA style reference (Author, Year Published, Title of Article, Journal Name)
  • -Use your own words (i.e. no quotes and do not plagiarize)
  • -Provide a 1-2 page summary of the study, what ethics code violation you believe occurred, as well as any valuable findings from the study, in addition to your response to the Facebook research.  This summary should be posted to the discussion board NO LATER than WEDNESDAY OF WEEK 1
  • – Provide a research post and a minimum of two (2) posts to other students’ posts. Please, no more than four (4) posts to others
  • -Threaded discussions are designed to enhance your critical thinking and research skills. Your posts should be dispersed throughout the week.

Please refer to your course outline for more information concerning this assignment.