Organizational Behavior Assignment

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Organizational Behavior Assignment

The structure of an organization determines how job tasks and the reporting system are organized. Clearly, changes to an organization’s structure can significantly influence its operations. What may be less apparent is the impact change can have on the organization’s culture.

In this week’s Discussion, you will analyze the structure of an organization, as well as any trends it may be experiencing and the external pressures it faces.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources this week.

Consider the organization you currently work for or an organization where you previously worked.

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

Name the organization you chose and describe what it does.

How is the organization structured (i.e., centralized versus decentralized)?

How well do you think the organizational structure works? Please explain. Should the structure be changed? Please explain how and why.

What are trends in the organization? In other words, how might the organization change in the future?

What are the external pressures on the organization (i.e., health reform, economic pressures)?

If possible, include an organizational chart of the organization with your Discussion post.




Robbins, S.P., & Judge, T. A. (2017). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 1, “Introduction to Organizational Behavior”

This chapter provides an overview of the field of organizational behavior, including the disciplines from which it stems. It also describes concepts that help improve organizational productivity.

Chapter 15, “Foundations of Organization Structure”

This chapter explores the six key elements of an organization’s structure. It also presents common organizational designs and their behavioral implications. Globalization, and its effect on organizational structure, also is addressed.

Whitelaw, K. (2010, January 11). Diversity efforts uneven in U.S. companies. Retrieved from

This article explores diversity in the workplace, citing Xerox as an example of a company that is implementing strong measures to ensure diversity. It describes the challenges that are facing companies in their attempt to introduce and maintain diversity in their corporate cultures. The article suggests that achieving meaningful diversity often requires culture changes as well.

Harrington, A. (2002, August 22). Question of comfort and control when creating a conducive office environment [Final edition]. The Scotsman, p. 21. Retrieved from

This newspaper article analyzes physical and design factors at the workplace that are thought to influence employees’ satisfaction with their offices. It concludes that physical attributes of the workspace are less important to employees than the amount of control they have over their work.

Donkin, R. (1998, December 16). Performance and pay: Experiments conducted 70 years ago shed light on today’s fixation with incentives [London edition]. Financial Times, p. 30. Retrieved from

This account of the historic Hawthorne experiments reconsiders the relationship between incentives and motivation in promoting productivity.

Anergy Fun Engineers. (2005). History of team building and the Hawthorne Experiments. Retrieved from

McNamara, C. (n.d.). Clearing up the language about organizational change and development. Retrieved from

The Princeton Review. (n.d.). Organizational developer: A day in the life of an organizational developer. Retrieved from