Psychology Questions: Child Behavioral Issues

Psychology Questions: Child Behavioral Issues

Psychology Questions: Child Behavioral Issues

Please answer the following questions individually… each answer should be at least 300 words each and all should have references…

Child Behavioral Issues

A parent is seeking therapy for a child who is demonstrating behavioral issues at home and in school. This child is an only child, and the parents are happily married with no substantial issues. The parents are looking for ways create a more peaceful environment at home and at school. The child has not experienced any trauma physical or emotional in their life. The main issue is when the child does not get what they want a tantrum is thrown to include outburst of crying, and throwing objects.

Identify the US, CS, CR and provide an example of how you would work with the client to extinguish or replace the current CR.

Incorporate what you learned in this week’s assigned readings. Post should be at least 300 words.

Instrumental Conditioning

Learning theorists and psychologists seek to understand behavior, what promotes the continuation of behavior and what extinguishes it. Punishment is used as one tool in instrumental conditioning as modifying or exterminating a behavior.

Describe an instance in therapy that might call for use of punishment. After reading the APA code of conduct assigned in the week’s required readings discuss the ethical limitations (including the concepts of “Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence”–( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) towards using the use of this method of learning.

Post should be at least 300 words.

Learned Helplessness

Review the concept of learned helplessness in the assigned readings in the text and the supplemental article by Bargai, Ben-Shakhar, & Shalev (2007).

Analyze the role that learned helplessness plays in depression.

Discuss cognitive interventions that could be used in treating a client who is presenting with depression associated with learned helplessness.

Post should be at least 300 words.



Every learning experience involves motivation, which the learner may be aware of prior to the learning experience or realizes only after reflection. Reviewing this weeks resources, compare the differences between extrinsic (incentive) and intrinsic motivation.

Is one form of motivation better for learning than the other? How so?

How does motivation play a role in the different theories of learning that you have read about up to this point?

Describe a learning experience of yours and determine if the motivation was intrinsic or extrinsic (or both).

Disruption in Memory

Disruption in memory can occur at different stages: retention, encoding, storage, or retrieval. Describe two factors that interfere in recall. Give examples of how this may be present in a client seeking counseling and how you would address the problem. Post should be at least 300 words

Learning Styles

How we differ in the ways that we learn has been of interest to psychologists and educators alike for the last several decades.

Distinguish between the three most supported learning style typologies: visualizer-verbalizer dimension, Kolb’s theory, and Sternberg’s theory. How does learning style influence counseling intervention and/or approach?

Post should be at least 300 words.