Choose 1 Example And Do My Homework

Choose 1 Example And Do My Homework

Choose 1 Example And Do My Homework

Hi everyone,
Attached are two examples of mental health initial evaluation report writing.  You will notice that the format (structure/subheadings) are different in the two examples (they are also different from the outline I gave you when we practiced during the class).  However, don’t let it throw you off.  I provided these samples just to give you an idea as to how it should sound and not for you to follow exactly the same format of the subheadings.  Therefore, do not be concerned about words that you do not recognize (they are certain testing tools used as part of the evaluation).  Do not copy sentences from the examples.
Here is my instruction:
  • Please use the one-page outline I provided during the last class
  • 5 to 6 pages (or more) in 12 pt font with 1.5 space (single space is allowed if you have more than 6 pages) should be the average.
  • You will write about yourself (imagine you are the client and seating in your counselor’s office for the first visit).  All of your personal information is the data with which you will write the report (confidentiality is strictly observed and I will be the only one reading).
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to txt me or call me
  • Complete your report and return it to me via email by Sunday (12/11) 7pm
All the best to you as you thoughtfully complete this assignment:-)