Research Evaluation Form

Research Evaluation Form

Research Evaluation Form

Use this form for both your individual and Learning Team article reviews.

Name(s): ______________________________________________

Quantitative study: __________ Qualitative study: _____________

Location of Researcher’s Observation or Experiment

none _________ home ________ clinic _________ lab __________

residential facility ________ school _________ hospital _________ other __________

Were children involved? Yes _____ No ______ If your answer is yes, how many? _________


Research hypothesis or research questions/problem behaviors: ________________________



Operational definitions:


Consider the following questions:

Is the need for the study clearly stated in the introduction?


Were the research questions and hypothesis clearly stated? Note that research questions are often presented implicitly within a description of the purpose of the study section.

Review of literature as relevant to the study: _________________________________________




Sample size (total): ________________ Size per group or cell: _______________

Consider the Following Questions:

_______ Were the methods described so that the study could be replicated without further information?


_______ Were subject recruitments and selection methods described?

_______ Were subjects randomly selected? Were there any biases in sampling?

_______ Were the samples appropriate for the population to which the researcher wished to generalize?

_______ Were characteristics of the sample adequately described?

_______ Are two or more groups being compared? Are they shown to be comparable on potentially confounding variables? If they are not comparable, is this incomparability handled properly?

_______ Was informed consent obtained?

_______ Was the size of the sample large enough for the number of measures and for the effect being sought?

Research Design

_______ Single group, time series study

_______ Multiple baseline (sequential) design: ______________

_______ Single group, no measurement

_______ Single group with measurement: Pre ______ During _____ Post _____

_______ Two groups classic experimental versus control group, randomly assigned

_______ (Quasi-experimental) two groups experimental versus control group,

not randomly assigned

_______ Correlation research, not manipulated, degree of relationship

_______ Descriptive research (qualitative study)

_______ Natural observation

_______ Analytical research

_______ Interview research

_______ Historical study

_______ Survey research

_______ Legal study

_______ Ethnography research

_______ Policy analysis

_______ Fieldwork research

_______ Evaluation study

_______ Phenomenology

_______ Grounded theory

_______ Protocol analysis (collection and analysis of verbatim reports)

_______ Case study, no measurement

_______ Case study, with measurement: Pre _________ During _______ Post _________

_______ Developmental research

_______ Longitudinal (same group of subjects over a period of time)

_______ Cross-sectional (subjects from different age groups compared)

_______ Cross-sequential (subjects from different age groups, shorter period of time)

_______ Correlation, more than two groups: control, treatment, and other treatment comparisons

_______ Factorial design, two or more groups: other treatment differences, no untreated controls