NR 305 Week 3 TD 2 The Older Adult

NR 305 Week 3 TD 2 The Older Adult

NR 305 Week 3 TD 2 The Older Adult
Casey is a 17-year-old high school student admitted to the ER with a compound fracture of the left leg obtained falling at the local skateboard park while practicing for a national competition. He has never been hospitalized before. His mother has been notified and is on her way. The EMTs gave him morphine and he reports his pain level as okay.
What part of the interview and examination can be done prior to his mother’s arrival?
As you enter the room for the first time, what should you observe as part of the general survey?
As you complete his history, what areas are especially important?
What are the important developmental considerations for Casey?


NR 305 Week 4 Course Project Milestone 1 Health History Assignment
The focus of this assignment is on communicating details within the written client record. When taking a health history on an actual client, it is essential that the information is accurate. Please inform the person you are interviewing that they do NOT need to disclose information that they wish to keep confidential. If the interviewee decides not to share information, please write, Does not want to disclose.
1. Find an adult who is not related to you who is willing to let you take a health history.
2. Download the NR305_Milestone1_Form from
3. Review the examples in Chapter 10 of your textbook to gain insight into how to document the health history. Avoid words like frequently, improved, increased, decreased, good, poor, normal, or WNL as they may have different meanings for different people. Instead, document the specific data that led you to these conclusions, e.g., 3x/day instead of frequently, or consuming 4 servings of vegetables/day instead of increased vegetable servings.