NR 508 Week-2 Discussion; Claudia, Age 26 Years Mother

NR 508 Week-2 Discussion; Claudia, Age 26 Years Mother

NR 508 Week-2 Discussion Claudia Age 26 Years Mother

NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology

Claudia is a 26-year-old mother of two G2P2, she recently delivered her last child 9 months ago, and has been using condoms for birth control for the last 7 months. Today she is requesting a more reliable birth control, she is not sure of her current pregnancy plans, however, she does not wish to discuss sterilization. No religious contraindications for treatment. Previous methods include condoms, and oral contraceptive pills.

PMH: positive for mild hypertension with first pregnancy, seasonal allergies.

Surgeries: Right inguinal hernia and tonsillectomy.

Family history: Mother HTN and Father colon CA both living

Social History: Denies tobacco use, wine one to two glasses a week, denies recreational drugs, exercises twice a week.

Drug allergies-Sulfa causes a rash. Current medications-MVI with Fe, Calcium chews, prn Allegra for allergies. Height 65 inches, weight 137 pounds, BP 110/75, P 70, R 16. PAP collected today, breast exam WNL, urine pregnancy negative.

NR 508 Week-2 Discussion Claudia Age 26 Years Mother

Physical exam is normal.

What are your treatment goals for Claudia today?
What are two possible contraceptive methods for Claudia? Please give brief rationale for each.
Pick one method and list five (5) patient-centered teaching points for the method you chose today.
What would your contraceptive choice be if Claudia smoked 10-15 cigarettes per day? Explain your answer.


Criteria for Content:

  1. Introduction contains a few statements regarding leadership and engaging others. One potential concern that may occur while engaging others is noted. One potential positive outcome that may occur while engaging others is noted. The sections of the paper are identified.
  2. Section One provides an explanation of the importance of leadership in engaging others including the role of leadership as well as challenges facing leadership while engaging others. In addition to potential role of teams or engaging others in the healthcare environment is presented. Scholarly references to support the information are required.
  3. Section Two focuses on an evaluation of the team ability to accomplish tasks. The team, as presented in the scenario, should be evaluated for each of the following elements:
  • Ability to handle differences,
  • Maintaining team order,
  • Communication (both verbal and nonverbal), and
  • Team Cohesiveness.
  1. Section Three focuses on team development. This action should include the following elements:
  • Overall summary of the discussion and team interactions as presented in the scenario
  • Discussion of one positive action demonstrated by a team member
  • Discussion of three non-productive actions demonstrated during the scenario
  • Discussion of one potential cause for the team dysfunction
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with multiple generations to work as a productive group
  • Discussion of two actions that can foster teams with multiple disciplines to work as a group
  • Discussion of four actions that would foster the entire scenario team to work as a group